Crazy Old Knees....
Ok, Folks, About 3 weeks ago I started NROLFW. Anyone who has done this workout knows that the first phase has a ton of Deadlifts, Lunges, Squats, and Step Ups. Problem I am having is, my knees are not liking this at all. I tried to do lunges yesterday, and my knees were not having it. I really LOVE this workout, but I…
My small victory...
So, I have to brag a little bit....This morning I weighed in, and I am only 3 pounds away from where I was when the mister and I started dating. Over the past 2 1/2 years, I have ballooned in weight over 200 pounds. I tried so hard to lose the weight through diet and exercise, instead of pills, shots, and gimmicks. I…
5X5 Workouts.....
I am extremely intrigued by this workout and have been researching it over the past week. I am not expecting huge gains or giant bulky muscles because I am a 43 year old female, and also I am in fat loss mode. I am however looking to maintain my current muscle and get stronger. I am curious about others who have done this…
Things that make you go HMMMMM....
So last week I was at the gym and saw something that kind of made me chuckle.... A lady came in who is a regular and jumped on the elliptical. She is there every day on the same machine doing the same workout. What struck my funny bone was; I notice that she is toting a 44 oz soda (most likely Mt Dew) with her. She takes a…
Help with my after hello wave....
Ok, I need help with that god awful droop that us ladies get in the tricep area. Are there any specific exercises that help eliminate that? I work my arms pretty good with free weights and have some awesome definition...but it seems that the more weight I lose, the more I notice my Dumbo Flaps O.o
Little Changes BIG rewards...
So, for the past month or so, I have made some small changes that I believe are helping me in my weight loss goals. For example: I have a desk job...I spend 10 hours a day working at a computer. I bought a yoga ball to sit on thinking it would help me burn calories in comparison to sitting in a standard chair. I think it…
Remembering where I came from and Sticking to goals...
Hey friends, I am curious as to what has helped many of you start your journey to getting fit, and goals that help you stay on track? I would like to share a couple of things that I am doing and see if any of you can relate? A little story to start with... Last November we went to Hawaii on a well needed vacation. We took…