Little Changes BIG rewards...

thismamarox Posts: 105 Member
So, for the past month or so, I have made some small changes that I believe are helping me in my weight loss goals. For example: I have a desk job...I spend 10 hours a day working at a computer. I bought a yoga ball to sit on thinking it would help me burn calories in comparison to sitting in a standard chair. I think it does help, only because I cant sit still on it. I am constantly bouncing or rolling on it, but not enough to notice a huge difference...

I researched how many calories a person burns by standing instead of sitting...the answer for someone of my build was approximately 443 calories. Not a ton in terms of massive burn, but nonetheless, still substantial. So I found me a couple of milk crates and I put my keyboard and mouse on them. I now stand for most of my day instead of sit. I also started doing a 20 minute elliptical cycle after my lifts at the gym to help loosen me up and burn off tension. I believe this is help SUBSTANTIALLY...Just curious, what are some things you are doing that are small but have big impacts on your goals??? I would like to maybe incorporate some of your ideas into my daily routine :)


  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    As you probably know, loosing fat is 80% diet and 20% exercise. That said even though your small changes contribute to even smaller fat loss they can make huge changes in your mental outlook towards health and fitness. So keep at it and let all those small changes add up to a new healthy and slimmer you.

    And since we can't outrun our fork I will just add, consume less calories to loose more weight.

    My personal small change that made the biggest difference in my life was eliminating processed food and eating only whole foods. It started when my doctor suggested I keep my sodium intake to 1000mg or less. Well in order to do that I slowly began to eliminate processed foods. Eventually it led me to eating only whole foods. What started out as a small change has now resulted in 60lbs of fat loss and being able to stop taking blood pressure and cholesterol meds. One small change , many huge rewards.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I wear a Fitbit on my wrist, where I used to wear a watch. I discovered that while I work out most days, like you I spent most of the rest of my time sitting on my butt! The wristband constantly reminds me to get up and move around, walk to the person's office instead of email, pace while I'm on the phone, walk around the parking lot on my break.

    It's a silly little wristband, but it definitely keeps me motivated. And I find when I'm more active, I'm more likely to make smart meal choices - don't want to waste all those extra steps!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Park at the back of the lot at the grocery store (or whoever you can.)

    Take the stairs.

    This one is really dumb and may make no difference. Walk on your tiptoes sometimes. (Tulips optional.)

    Leg lifts when watching TV.

    Being outside. There is no evidence to back it up, I'm sure, and it's probably just craziness on my part, but I'm convinced that being outside helps.
    As you probably know, loosing fat is 80% diet and 20% exercise. That said even though your small changes contribute to even smaller fat loss they can make huge changes in your mental outlook towards health and fitness. So keep at it and let all those small changes add up to a new healthy and slimmer you.

    And since we can't outrun our fork I will just add, consume less calories to loose more weight.

    My personal small change that made the biggest difference in my life was eliminating processed food and eating only whole foods. It started when my doctor suggested I keep my sodium intake to 1000mg or less. Well in order to do that I slowly began to eliminate processed foods. Eventually it led me to eating only whole foods. What started out as a small change has now resulted in 60lbs of fat loss and being able to stop taking blood pressure and cholesterol meds. One small change , many huge rewards.
    That's a wonderful story! Good for you!
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    My very first little change that I made was drinking a homemade kefir smoothie every morning for breakfast as compared to my old breakfast which consisted of a cup of coffee with way too much CoffeeMate French Vanilla creamer. That change led me to give up diet Dr. Pepper which led to giving up coffee altogether. I realized I felt better when I wasn't putting artificial crap in my body which led to eating a more wholesome diet...I wouldn't necessarily consider it "clean" but it's definitely cleaner than what I used to eat.
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    No food restrictions, just smaller portions.

    Standing at my desk for 3 hours a day (and I move around a lot while standing)

    Two walks per day around my office building, and use the stairs (4 flights).

    Park further from the door.
  • Luuvy
    Luuvy Posts: 602 Member
    I stopped drinking soda, that cut out a lot of calories for me.
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    thank you for posting this. I have a desk job and sit for 8 hours a day 5 days a week so this gave me an idea. I also walk on my lunch breaks for 40 minutes so that helps too
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    Early on I replaced my daily 3 PM work day (I am at desk job too) snack of candy and a diet coke with pistachios.
  • thismamarox
    thismamarox Posts: 105 Member
    I keep my diet right between 1200 to 1400 calories a day. I don't want to go below that. People at work are always bringing in donuts and cakes to share...that is so hard for me, so I keep my drawer stocked with Tuna, nuts, protein bars and turkey jerky. When a craving hits, I utilize what I have in my drawer instead of turning to unhealthy alternatives. Its bizarre to be how people that sit on their butts most of the day (talking about my co-workers) want to eat crap all day.

    Is this just where I work??? Its so strange to me...
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Smaller portions and more protein. I'm still eating and drinking all the things I used to, but just a bit less. And doing this journey slowly so that I don't feel hungry or deprived. I can now imagine how I will eat when I get to maintenance as I'm not that far off from it. Best decision I ever made - eating at a huge deficit in the past didn't teach me how to eat the right way for life. What I'm doing now is.
  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    I have a few. Planning is my biggest one. On Sundays I will make a meal I can portion out for my lunch for 3-4 days of my workweek- something simple like spaghetti squash with tomato sauce and chicken sausage, a salad with grilled chicken and beans, etc. I also will put together my snacks for the week- one thing that I love to eat that fills me up is a 1/2 cup of plain fat free greek yogurt with a tbsp of chia seeds and 1 cup of cut up fruit. I will dish my yogurt and chia seeds into 5 containers for the week so each night I just have to rinse and cut my fruit/berries. I make sure all my snacks/food for the workday are put together the night before. That way it's one less thing I have to do in the morning, and if I'm running late it doesn't slip through the cracks.

    I keep a few snacks at work that will keep me tied over but I won't binge on- 100 cal packs of almonds, 100 cal packs of popcorn. I also allow myself 1 Ghiradelli chocolate square a day to help curb my chocolate cravings- the dark chocolate is just enough that one square is satisfying!

    I have started parking as far away from the building at work as possible so I get lots of steps in during the day. I found a fitness class I can squeeze into my workday during my lunchbreak on Thursdays. That one extra workout makes a big difference in my week!