so my brother is a body builder and in preparation for his shows he goes into extreme protein, low carb mode. Obviously, it's very difficult and can drive anyone crazy and make you have weird cravings. as the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention so he came up with a recipe for protein french toast using egg…
so my friend who I haven't seen in a very long time wants to go out to dinner with me so she can introduce her new boyfriend. They picked a Chinese buffet as our dinner spot. Please, how do I keep a healthy calorie/SODIUM intake at this place?
Everyday I do Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred, pilates and yoga. Lately, I've noticed that my knees are incredibly sore. I ice them and do everything I'm supposed (not going too far into lunges etc) but they are still killing me. Any suggestions?
I notice that every time I eat breakfast I consume a significant amount more throughout the day. I know breakfast is supposed to kick-start the metabolism but it's not that I'm HUNGRIER throughout the day, I just get in the habit of eating. Does that happen to anyone else?
Hey everyone, I just found this great site with lists of shows/movies and printed workouts for each. My favorite is the Grey's Anatomy work out so if you're not feeling up to the gym I recommend looking these up. I know somewhere on the internet there is also a workout for commercials (ie. food commercial= 30 crunches) and…