My first update of my success!! Fatty to potential P.T
Ok this is going to be a brief one (or ill try to make it brief!). A year ago I got out of a rubbish, violent relationship of 5 years. I was paranoid about my weight the whole time and even though I thought was trying to lose weight I got bigger and bigger. So, the new start gave me a kick for a new me. So far, 33 lbs…
Help! I'm hungry and I don't know what to eat!
Hi guys! I tried a few new foods today as I've been quite strict for a few months and I've totally messed up! Now I'm hungry, I have hardly eaten enough calories but I'm over on sugars and protein! Can anyone advise me, Im not sure how sugars work and now I just dont know what to eat for the rest of today! I've got 693…
The "I want a six pack" group!!
Yes there are a few of us on here on that quest for the "holy grail" ... The six-pack. Boys, girls, old, young, those losing weight and those bulking up. So here is a post for us all to get together and update our progress, where ever we may be along the route at the moment. I have wanted one since I was 17 but now I'm 31…
Big hello to everyone :D
Hi all, thought I should say a formal hello on here :) I'm 30 and from the UK and reaaaallly want to lose some weight. I've gone through about 3 stages if getting a bit fatter then buying some new bigger clothes then getting a bit fatter again and again another shopping trip and now ... My clothes are tight again! Enough…