Big hello to everyone :D

Hi all, thought I should say a formal hello on here :)

I'm 30 and from the UK and reaaaallly want to lose some weight. I've gone through about 3 stages if getting a bit fatter then buying some new bigger clothes then getting a bit fatter again and again another shopping trip and now ... My clothes are tight again! Enough is enough! Time to fit back into all of this old clothes!!!! I would love to loose around 35 lbs and tone up. Hopefully mfp can help me out! This is a great way to talk to people in the same boat!

Aside from me being fat and disgusting looking, I'm mum to a 10 year old boy and live with my partner in Wales in the UK, I'm a full time student studying archaeology, I'm just doing my last year now so fingers crossed, when I qualify I hope to be looking like Lara Croft not just talking like her :D

Anyway I best get back to my study, thanks for reading and I'm glad to have all you members on here for support xxx


  • Pixiemel
    It's nice to meet you. I'm 28 and live in south Florida. We can do this from across the pond! Good luck and hit me up if you have any questions! This site has been a life saver!
  • tulaniq
    tulaniq Posts: 46 Member
  • gingajoy
    Hiya! Also from the UK (Manchester). If you stick with it, this site can be really invaluable. Feel free to friend me:-)
  • lola99
    lola99 Posts: 5
    Hi there! I just joined to and can't wait to get started! I'm 28 and from louisville, ky, add me if you want! We can support eachother through this thing!!!
  • lisapooh1
    Hello! I joined in August and this is really easy and exciting, just stay on tract and enjoy and the weight will come off.
  • Bikeminx
    Thank you all for the welcome and the support! Its nice to be in such a friendly place! Glad to hear so many success stories too! X