The "I want a six pack" group!!

Yes there are a few of us on here on that quest for the "holy grail" ... The six-pack. Boys, girls, old, young, those losing weight and those bulking up. So here is a post for us all to get together and update our progress, where ever we may be along the route at the moment.

I have wanted one since I was 17 but now I'm 31 so I better hurry up! I put on about 25lbs during university as a mature student and have been trying to get rid of it for about a year. I'm at 17lbs lost so far but I still need to lose more. I think even when I'm at my goal I will still need to strip more fat so we will see how it goes. I eat pretty clean already but that also needs to be looked at properly.

So now your turn, feel free to post photos of your progress, inspirational photos of what you want your stomach to look like, diet tips, exercise ideas, anything you want, oh and don't forget to say where you are at the moment and introduce yourself.

We can get there guys!!!! We just need to support each other and we will see it through! X


  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    Im a part of that group!
  • aehartley
    aehartley Posts: 269 Member
    SO IN... Eat clean, train mean... get LEAN ( and a six pack )
  • Bikeminx
    Bikeminx Posts: 51
    So how are you both doing at the moment? I'm a loooooong way off but I'm staying positive!
  • jbbolton
    jbbolton Posts: 10
    The ever elusive six pack. This is my final goal, once I get one I've arrived. The last time I had a six pack was 16, I'm 40 now. I'm getting pretty close believe it or not. Once I figure out how to post a picture I'll add one.

    It’s going to be a lot of work but I have plenty of time and I'm not in a rush. I found an article on another site about what Ryan Reynolds did to get in shape for his role in Blade Trinity. It’s put me on the right track. I’ll never look like him but it gives me something to work for. See the link below.

    I want to be in this group as well. Anyone feel free to friend me.
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    its my dream to have great abs. ive a couple of pics in my profile of what i acheived last month after doing jillian michaels 30 day shred then 6 week 6 pack, along with my usual early morning gym workouts and was well impressed but since ive stopped the dvd's ( due to be totally exhaused) but still maintaining my morning gym sessions and healthy eating my abs are not as good as they looked a month ago :mad:
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    I guess I might as well join...I'm sorta close
  • Bikeminx
    Bikeminx Posts: 51
    Don't worry if your not close, I'm way off!!!!

    Thanks for that article too, wow he's pretty ripped!!! It was really usefull tho because I'm quite bad with carbs and I try to cut them out and have been having massive carb craving at night, maybe I should take his advice and put some back in lol!
  • Bikeminx
    Bikeminx Posts: 51
    And Debi - your abs look amazing!!! Out of interest do you know what percentage body fat you are? Just wondering for an idea of how low I need to go as a girl
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I am definitely in. Currently, I have a small 4-pack going on but that is because I am not at low enough body fat. I am only at 12% BF. My goal in the next 90 days is to be down to 9% which puts me in contention for the ever elusive 6-pack. Just remember, it's all about low body fat and good ol lean muscle mass. Weight really doesn't matter too much. So if your goal is a six-pack, pick up those weights and turn your fat into muscle!
  • jstrohs1
    jstrohs1 Posts: 66
    Years ago I had a six pack and after 24 years of marriage I'm trying to get rid of a keg and get back to my old self again!
    I believe I can do I'm shedding the weight first so it will be easier to work out the way I like too. Btw.....I'm 57 and I'm not blaming the wife for the condition I'm in now....only myself! I'm 5'9 in ht so I'm dropping to 160. I started the diet at 209 and as of today I'm 180. I'm at the point now to start with some training for the abs. Any help would be great!
    Add me to any group help on this!
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    And Debi - your abs look amazing!!! Out of interest do you know what percentage body fat you are? Just wondering for an idea of how low I need to go as a girl

    Thanks hun :smile: ive never been measured properly but i put my stats on some site and it came back as 18% but dont know how accurate it was
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm in! I so want a 6 pack. I've never thought it was possible, but at 33 I'm starting to believe!
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    Count me in. No pics though. I am far to modest. Even when I did have a 6 pack! I don't even cut the grass with a shirt off. Just for wifey. :blushing:

    ETA: I'm nowhere close right now. I'm at about 23% bodyfat. 10% is my goal. Well, was my goal. I've been 10% and I won't have a great 6 pack. I need to be at 7 before they really bust out. Gonna be awhile. Stay tuned. :glasses:
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Yay! This is exactly why I posted that message- I was hoping for a group of people who all want it and can share tips on how to get it! I have always wanted a six pack and now that I have a flatter stomach than ever before, I feel that I can definitely get that six pack, I'll just have to work extra hard for it. I usually see runners with the best looking stomachs, so I am going to incorporate more running into my schedule. That being said, running + insanity can be tough but the better in shape I get, the easier it will be.

    I also want to sign up for a 5k and then after that a 10k. I have started training now for the 5k (I already run better than a beginner but not advanced) and I am hoping with the running that I will see more ab definition. I can feel that they are stronger than ever before (probably cause of insanity) but I want to SEE them more!

    What is the best diet for seeing abs? Just clean eating? I am already trying to do mostly non processed foods...hope it works! I have noticed a small difference for the week of eating non processed foods...I can see my top abs more.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member

    Working on it.
  • Bikeminx
    Bikeminx Posts: 51
    Right has anyone worked on their stomach today? If so what have you done? I have this mental block that it's not worth it until all the fat has gone but it soooooo is! So I'm going to do my crunches today! Also as soon as I get my mac keyboard fixed I'll post some photos, my iPad doesn't seem to like the pic hosting websites very much!
  • Bikeminx
    Bikeminx Posts: 51

    I also want to sign up for a 5k and then after that a 10k. I have started training now for the 5k (I already run better than a beginner but not advanced) and I am hoping with the running that I will see more ab definition. I can feel that they are stronger than ever before (probably cause of insanity) but I want to SEE them more!

    I am totally rubbish at running, I hate it! Lol I think it's because everything wobbles so much :P
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Right has anyone worked on their stomach today? If so what have you done? I have this mental block that it's not worth it until all the fat has gone but it soooooo is! So I'm going to do my crunches today! Also as soon as I get my mac keyboard fixed I'll post some photos, my iPad doesn't seem to like the pic hosting websites very much!

    Planks will do more for your core than crunches...although you shouldn't eliminate them entirely.

    Also, to burn fat (how you make your abs visible)...use full body exercises...particularly your legs (squats, lunges, etc). Leg work activates and forces repair of the largest group of muscles in your body.

    And it'll give you a great butt as a bonus :).
  • Bikeminx
    Bikeminx Posts: 51
    Awesome thanks!! I do some sandbag training so they should be good for that I think? Problem is it's outside and the weather is never that good haha!
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Thats what I like about insanity, all of the squats and lunges. I keep a mirror by my TV so that when I am working out I can keep my abs really tight, when I see them I definitely keep them contracted. :) Lol its a little trick that helps me!