How do you get passed that expectation? I understand it's not realistic at all but I find myself discouraged when the weight doesn't just fall off. Stupid I know. I am proud that I'm making small progressive steps such as switching from regular soda to diet and now working on eliminating it altogether Just need a kick in…
I was angry that I purchased this program, however I will say that there are 2 things that I've learned to love about it. 1) The workouts. I ADORE THEM! No lie. I HATE exercising - but these are 30 minutes start to finish (including warmup/cooldown) - sweet! 2) The breakdown of protein/fats/carbs. My stomach has never felt…
So I fell for another "weight loss" gimmick. The 21 Day Fix from Beachbody. I just pissed away $60 for a company to send me little colorful plastic containers to "measure" my food, when I can absolutely do this on my own. I can. I just haven't been. I haven't been exercising either. I have finally been to a chiropractor to…
Try not to laugh. Does it matter HOW you burn your calories? I am not a fan of High Impact Cardio - but I can burn about 500 calories for an hour of jogging. Does it matter HOW I burn the calories, as long as I'm burning them?
Hello All I'm considering starting the South Beach program because I need to cut down signficiantly on sugar/carbs, etc. However, my concern is that SB does allow you "sugar free" foods. Unfortunately I get migraines from SF products :sad: Stupid question - can you be successful with SB without SF products?
I have tried it and it is yummy - but for $100/mth it is not in my budget these days. I love Tony Horton and P90X and all of the programs associated with it - but do you really need to have a meal replacement shake and is it something that helps you with your progress? Or is it more beneficial to take that $100/mth and put…