Ok this may have been asked before but honestly I'm to lazy to go back and look.....:happy: So I'm VERY new to the online dating world. Actually I've had my profile up a whole 6 days. I've noticed a few guys have looked at my profile several times (like everyday, a few times per day) but didn't send a message. So my…
Hey all- I need some advice. I've been under a lot of stress lately (Not going to get into details) and it is really hindering my weight loss efforts. Does anyone have advice on how to lessen the effects of stress and deal with it in a positive manner? Thanks for your help!
Alright MFPs...I need your help (if you dont mind...if you dont want to do it...that's ok too). I'm entering my puppy in a contest through our local news channel. See instructions below. Vote for him! I need a getaway! Thanks!!! 1. Go to kdvr.com 2. Pick the contest button at the top 3. Click on snow dog contest 4. Create…
So I gave up caffeine as part of my change to a healthier lifestyle. The only problem is now I feel like I'm always tired even though I'm working out at least 5 times per week. Any suggestions or does it get better? I have been off of it for about a month.
So I have a really hard time motivating myself to work out during the winter because its so cold outside. Does any one else have this problem and how do you work past it?
So I need to find out if anyone else is in the same boat. I have the best significant other anyone could ask for but I always feel like I'm not good enough for him because of my weight. I dont feel sexy and I worry that he will leave me for someone who is much skinner. He works in the media and is around a lot of beautiful…
I have dealt with weight issues my whole life and I have tried almost every fad diet you can think of. Sometimes I saw results but the weight always came back. I'm at a point in my life where I need to take the reins and finally get my weight under control. I'm sick of having self confidence issues and thinking people are…