Are Walking Exercise DVDs low impact aerobics?
Hello All, I just found out that I am expecting. This is my 1st pregnancy, so I am a little nervous about what exercises I should and should not be doing. I read that is okay to continue to exercise if you were active before, but should concentrate on low impact aerobics. I think the walking dvds are considered low impact…
Ummmm....excuse me?
I was wondering if anyone knows the most accurate site to get an idea of how many calories you have burned doing everyday activities. I live in Chicago, it's winter season, and I just finished shoveling my driveway and walkways. I will probably be doing this every other week for the next 3 months, and I know I'm burning…
I'm confused...
I just entered some information for my lunch, and if I eat this amount, I will be going over my protein allowance for the day. Should I try to stay within my protein allowance?