Was wondering if there is a cardo-workout that can burn 2,000 calories an hour?
Cool, thanks. Been trying to break out of the weight-Loss Plateau that I been on for 3 years so far. Before the plateau started, I was down to 170 lbs. I first discovered it when I did my weigh-in in March of 2008, It jumped up to 198 lbs. That was 28 lbs in 2 month's - I was shocked. I tried everything from dieting to…
I'm curious, If one was walking in strong winds outside (Against the wind current), How many calories does that burn per house "Depending on the wind-Speed"? Does it burn a lot more then regular walking?
Good news - It's possible to be creative yet still burn calories. Take a look: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/calories.php?WeightKg=86.184&exertype=&minutes=60&highcal=&order=NAME
I cannot seem to get below 190, Been exercising "Power-walking" normally and eating right and drinking water "64oz a day".. Something weird is happening. For example if I have a normal meal "Salad included", My scale goes up by 1 to 2 pounds. But with the holiday meals "Normally 900 calories", my scale skyrockets to 5 to…