Weight Gainers Plateau? - Weight-Loss Plateau? Which is whi

Cool, thanks. Been trying to break out of the weight-Loss Plateau that I been on for 3 years so far. Before the plateau started, I was down to 170 lbs. I first discovered it when I did my weigh-in in March of 2008, It jumped up to 198 lbs. That was 28 lbs in 2 month's - I was shocked. I tried everything from dieting to exercise, but could not break out of it. I even did 10 hours of power-walking outside in 1 day. Not sure what the plateau is called.. "Weight-Loss or Weight-Gainers Plateau". If I eat a normal meal even, my scale goes up 2 - 4 lbs. As for now, been trying to break it using Apple Cider Vinegar by drinking it everyday "4 big sips - morning, noon and night". I started that about a month ago.. So, Is there a better way to break out of this plateau? I like to get down to 150 lbs, but my body-fat percentage is 28%.


  • kcmeek7272
    I've got to ask...does the apple cider vinegar work?
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Checked your diary. You're not eating enough. Read the past blogs on eating your exercise calories. You're body is holding on to what you are eating because you are burning way too many calories in one day and not fueling it properly.
  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    I agree with foxxybrown about upping your calories. Try that for a few weeks and it doesn't work you could try consulting your doctor.
  • andersy
    I have been eating 1200-1500 calories and i workout six days a week for at least 60-65 minutes on the elliptical, treadmill, and stair master and burn at least 900 or more calories. I have lost 73 lbs, but for the last two months my weight will not move. I'm stuck at 218 and somedays is goes up to 223 and then back down. Do you think I should increase the amount of calories I eat a day in order to see some more weight loss? I am starting to get frustrated and need some advice
