Walking in the wind..

I'm curious, If one was walking in strong winds outside (Against the wind current), How many calories does that burn per house "Depending on the wind-Speed"? Does it burn a lot more then regular walking?


  • Dom80
    Dom80 Posts: 146 Member
    I would think so. Its kinda like walking on flat ground vs walking uphill. Just my opinion. No idea how many more calories you would burn unless you use a HRM.
  • masmith06
    My opinion would be yes and yes. It is like resistance that you are fighting against to walk. Not sure how much more you burn but would have to be something.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    well when you are walking outdoors instead of on the treadmill you can burn about 5% more calories vs. treadmill. So depending on your speed and the wind resistance you might be able to calculate about the same difference, maybe 3-5%. :wink:
  • MichaelPowell
    Cool, just checking, I went outside for a 30 minute power-walk, the wind was blowing 75 mph.
    My opinion would be yes and yes. It is like resistance that you are fighting against to walk. Not sure how much more you burn but would have to be something.