This is restart 73 million (not even exaggerating)
Hi Guys. (sorry for the wall of text. TDLR at the bottom) My name is Sarah, I'm 34 & from Ireland. I'm married with two dogs and I'm fat. I've 115 lbs to lose to get to my ultimate goal weight. I've gotten close and then fell off the wagon. It's very overwhelming to me. I've set myself mini goals along the way and I'm…
Impact free cardio
So I'm severely overweight and if I walk for any length of time my feet are throbbing and causes me a lot of pain. Physio said it's all down to my weight which makes sense. I can walk up to 3km without pain with my dogs but I want to up my cardio. I know the rower and bike are low impact. The cross trainer also causes me…
Intermittent Fasting
Hey folks, So I'm considering Intermittent fasting. Have been researching it the last few days. I'm thinking f 4:3 which is 4 days of normal eating and 3 fast days which can be no food or 500cals for the day. I do shift work though and in any one week I could be working 7am-5pm/ 12pm-10pm/ 9pm-7am so I don't know how I'm…
Motivation is waivering
So I have been doing great so far and I've started to struggle! Big time! Myself and my boyfriend are going through tough times medically and I haven't been able to sleep which means I've been up WAY past my bedtime. I don't bring sweet things into the house because my theory is out of sight out of mind but he'll buy me…
Counting Macros for dummies
Hi Guys, Just wondering if someone could either give me foolproof information or point me in the direction of some simple articles for counting macros. Or an example of a diet plan. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Motivational pictures
So I'm going through a rough patch. I'm just under 6'1" and weigh 246lbs. Have any of you ladies reached your goal weight or got even half way there? If you do please give some advice and post pictures, I find them really motivating x
Looking for friends with BED for support
Hi, I'm Sarah and I'm a binge eater ☺️ It sucks! I've been on this nearly four years and I've lost a grand total of 19lbs. I know it's a lot but I'm 6ft tall and 244lbs. I struggle on a daily basis. I think of food constantly. My family and friends don't really understand. Have been for counselling. Wasn't for me. I was…
Looking for fellow binge eating friends
Hi, I'm Sarah and I'm a binge eater ☺️ It sucks! I've been on this nearly four years and I've lost a grand total of 19lbs. I know it's a lot but I'm 6ft tall and 244lbs. I struggle on a daily basis. I think of food constantly. My family and friends don't really understand. Have been for counselling. Wasn't for me. I was…
Diet Soda Cake?
So my friend told me about this recipe the other day but I'm a bit skeptical it will work. My friends birthday is this week so I'd like to do something for her but I'm a disaster when it comes to following instructions! This seems fairly fool proof!! Just wondering if it works? Has anyone tried it? This is pretty much…
Ultimate binge day... I consumed over 4,500 calls with no exercise. Feel like ****, very lonely and depressed today ( for no good reason btw) just one of those days. Am very anxious and panicky and would love a hug :( Am dreading having an empty bed tonight because my bf is away
BED (binge eating disorder) friends
Hi, I have been a member on here for a good bit but haven't had much success as I've been intermittent. I have suffered with BED for the last 15 years and have only recently sought help. I am looking for people who suffer with this or who have successfully come out the other side to add as friends. I already have some…
Antidepressants and binge eating
I had my first ever counselling session today and I start a twenty week course of CBT next week but the psychiatrist said that she may put me on prozac or another antidepressant to help as all my eating is emotional. I've been binge eating for 15 years so this is the first time I've ever sought help and I'm a bit wary on…
Fat people and burpees
So I'm fat. And I do bootcamp. I can normally do every exercise except burpees. Just not physically able to do burpees. I can't bring my legs up to my chest far enough without falling over or getting stuck. I'm embarrassed cos most others can do it. Anyone else have this problem? It's a major pain. I'm also very tall at…
38lbs down. Only showing on my face. Pics
I posted this on success stories but as a fellow tall girl you all may be in the same boat as me! So I've been on this well over a year and didn't really commit until late last year. I'm 6ft tall and quite broad. Since using this I've lost 23lbs but since 2010 I've lost 38lbs altogether. Due to the fact that I'm so tall…
Job question, need advice please
Hello all, I work in emergency services in Ireland. I'm 27 and I hate my job!! Our wages and resources have been cut. Our hours have been changed and morale is at an all time low. They're threatening to cut our wages again. I can't afford it!! But it's all I know. I've never been to college or had any other job aside from…
Gluten Free diet
Right so I've signed up to a personal trainer last week because my motivation has jumped out the window. my ex cheated on me and I just gave up and made loads of bad choices and got lazy. I want to get back into it and my new trainer (Martha) has suggested a gluten free diet because I eat a lot of bread, pasta other…
Scales question
Hi guys, I've to get a new weighing scales and was just wondering would a digital or doctors mechanical scales be better? Which do you use. Thanks. Sarah
Cycling question. (sore bum)
When does your @ss get used to the saddle? I've been cycling a few months now and it still hurts by bum bone. (some times it hurts my lady parts too {sorry for tmi}) I think my saddle might actually be too wide? I've no idea. I got a padded saddle (but is very wide) with the bike and I'm thinking of going back to the…
Stupid game show answers
Taken from Belfast Telegraph. Stupid answers from game shows from UK & Ireland. Made me laugh when I read it :) 1) UNIVERSITY CHALLENGE (BBC2) Jeremy Paxman: What is another name for 'cherrypickers' and 'cheesemongers'? Contestant: Homosexuals. Paxman: No. They're regiments in the British Army who will be very upset with…
Money, money, money, money... MONEY
So I had a complete nightmare today. I went to see a show with my mam, I bought her the tickets for her birthday months ago, had to save for ages. We had to get the bus in because I had no tax on my car. Can't afford it right now so I'm cycling everywhere. She tried to give me money but I know her and dad are struggling…
Horrible "compliments"
Has anyone ever received one? I was told by one of the lads I work with that when the lads are talking about girls in work and who's the best looking, best body etc. he always defends me by saying I have a pretty face..... Gee thanks. He then went on to say you're one of the lads. You're like a guy with boobs. We don't…
Sore legs (cycling question)
Question for cyclists please. Aside from the fact that I look like an escaped mental patient when I cycle I've been experiencing a sore throbbing in my lower legs a few hours after my cycle. It's happened the last three times. I'm fairly inexperienced but I have a good bike and had it measured for my height and the saddle…
Entertain me... Please!
So I'm in work, it's 04:49am, I'm in an office on my own and I'm WAY too hungover to do paper work! I have to tell the vending machine to fook off every time I walk by it, ive kicked it twice already too and I'm bored off my yoohoo! Somebody please make this night go by quicker before I fall over and die of boredom/…
Getting jiggy with it....
So was out for the football last night with colleagues and while on our THIRD pitcher of cocktails the dirty talk crept in. One of the questions was "Where is the weirdest place you have "done it"?" There were some weird responses like on a boat, company car, bosses conference table, gravestone (not mine). Didn't realise I…
Any advice guys
So I've been on this a long time and haven't properly committed. It's not that I don't want to lose weight, I really do but through different obstacles (injuries, medical issues, work problems) I've become quite down on myself. I'm finding it really hard to stay focused on mfp and my weightloss goals and feel like a…
Question for the drivers. If any of you drive an emergency services vehicle patrol car, ambulance etc. and are on your way to an emergency call with lights and sirens on. Do you notice road users either breaking in front of you or pulling into your lane in a panic? Or is that just in Ireland? And why??? Sorry nearly…
Dear .....
Everyone has that person or people in their life who they want to be brutally honest with. Whether its to tell them you love them, hate them, have any regrets etc. Now is your chance. Write a letter to that someone and tell them how you really feel, get it all off your chest. I have two... Dear A, You ruined my life in…
Polar HRM
Ok I know this has been done before but My old HRM died yesterday and I've decided to get a decent one. I Have settled on a polar HRM but don't know which model. It's a toss up between the FT4, FT6 & FT40. Think I prefer the FT40 but I want to know does anyone else have it and what is it like before I spend the money? Or…
Target|fitness k-902 HRM help please!
Has anyone else one of these? I can't find my instructions leaflet to set it because it reset all the stats when I replaced the batteries and can't figure it out. I won't get an accurate reading and I can't find any online. I've also emailed the company but haven't received a reply yet. Any help is greatly appreciated.…