Can too much water cause cramping when running??
I started running about 7 months ago and have noticed that I get cramps under my ribcage often, about 1/2-1 mile into my run. I always slow to a brisk walk, raise my arm, and press on the cramp spot and it goes away after a minute or two. However, in the last few days I have noticed something interesting... Friday, I did…
Non-weight loss related but need ideas!
My son turns 1 in 2 weeks and I need ideas for his Dr. Seuss themed birthday party. We have all the decorations and everything, but I need help coming up with ideas for food that are Dr. Seuss related. We aren't doing a full meal, just snacks. What I want to be able to do is print out little copies of the front of a Dr.…
Healthy Side Dishes?
I am in need of some healthy side dishes to prepare for dinner other than your typical steamed veggie! My husband is going to kill me if I keep making him eat broccoli florets, green beans, corn, etc. I need to spruce up our meals! Any ideas?
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter - SPRAY?
I remember using this as a teen when it was pretty popular to use for baked potatoes and whatnot. But now that I'm older and read labels, I have noticed that it says, "0" for EVERYTHING! How can "butter" have "0" of everything on the nutrition facts list? So if I use this instead of butter (which I have sworn off,…
Manual vs. Electric Treadmill
I am going to be buying a used treadmill ASAP. I am seeing a lot of treadmills that say they are manual (meaning they have no motor... you propel it at the rate you are walking/running). Does anyone have any experience with a manual treadmill? I have used plenty of electric ones, but I never a manual. Do you recommend? Not…
Hi there!
Hi there! My name is Ashlee, and I am not only trying to lose weight, but I am changing my life-style! I had a son 9 months ago, and my husband and I have decided that now is the time to get our acts together and introduce a healthy life-style to our son. We don't want him to come home from school and grab a cookie as a…