addicted to cottage cheese
First, I will start out that I am having normal meals. Weighing what I eat and watching my macros. However, I am completely craving cottage cheese now. It has become my go to snack if it fits my requirements. Usually having 2 or more cup of it a day. Anyone else having something like this? Could it be that I'm missing some…
Ever feel sick eating carbs again
Been lc for a few weeks now. Not sure why but decided to eat up some high carb food that I still had. (I have a hard time throwing away food). Anyways the more I ate the worse I felt. To the point that I had to just stop and throw it away. Is this normal? Others experience this?
Can't use right arm for 2 weeks
Doctor wants me too limit movement of my right arm for two weeks. This sucks for heavy lifting. Need help with exercise suggestions. I workout at home with my squat rack and weights. All I can think of is body weight squats and dumbbell with left arm.
Feel the burn!! - but only in glutes
Switched programs awhile ago to strong curves. My glutes really burn during and after working out even sometimes the next day. But I never feel the burn in other body parts (legs, arms, abs, etc) even when I did strong lifts. Does that mean I'm not working my other parts enough or is there a reason only glutes burn?
Need opinions on home gym
Just started building my own home gym in garage. I was going to local gym for awhile. The Local gyms don't have power racks. I've only squatted with 70 lbs because that was the maximum weight that felt comfortable of lifting over my head and onto my back. I got dumbells and bench. Picked up Olympic barbell set today…
Restaurant calories
Does the posted calories on a menu include all items on plate? Examples: 1. Sandwich that comes with French fries. I don't eat the French fries. But they are together on menu with calories. 2. Chicken, potatoes, and vegetable. Are they all include in calories? Sometimes I don't eat a side so I need to know if I should be…
My crazy big/small stomach
After taking a shower, I was checking out how things looked. I turned side ways and freaked out by how much my lower stomach was sticking out. I grabbed the tape measure to figure out what's happening. I usually measure the widest part of my stomach so I could tell how much bigger it got. It shows that I lost 2 inches???…
Do you have 2 scales?
I was reading an interesting article on squatting. (Sorry forgot to bookmark it but I think it was on men's health) it says to take two scales and stand one foot on each scale. Go down into a squat. The scales should have the same weight number. If not their is a problem with your form or you are not balanced equally in…
I couldn't believe it
I've seen the picture where a guy was doing squats on a large exercise ball with a spotter. Always wondered if that was fake or real. Well today, I think I got my answer. A lady was doing squats holding the bar over her head [straight arms] standing on a half ball with curved side down. She made it through it but I was…
My 6 week results
Positives Feel stronger and more energetic Better posture Feel hard muscles Changes Start. Now Weight. 170. 165. (Had a whoosh this week) Waist. 33.5. 33 Butt. 41. 40.5 Right thigh 26. 25 Left thigh. 26. 25.5 Body fat. 26.5% 25.5% (Using fattofit covert calc) Maintenance calories are 2050. Eating 1650. Weigh and measure…
Just curious, does anyone do pushups as an accessory to heavy lifting? Didn't know if I should try working on these
Increase protein -cholestrol concerns
I started lifting heavy and know that i need to increase to protein. However, my doctor is concern about my high cholestrol. Will increasing my protein make my cholestrol worst? Or is there something that I am missing on how this works?
Good or bad idea?
I'm living a healthier lifestyle now. Still need to lose some weight like maybe 15pounds. I also started to lift heavy. My issue is that I am tired of tracking everything i eat. I know breakfast and lunch is good cuz I tend to eat the same meals. So dinner is my main toss up meal. Am I ok to just wing it? If i end up…