Damn it, i overate!
And not just by a little. I can live with 100 - 200 calories over. But i ate 3000 calories today. 3000! And it was all within a very short time. I almost threw up. Now what do i do tomorrow? How do i cope? I'm seriously freaking out ready to puke it all out. Which i know i shouldn't do :( . I can't just 'continue' with how…
So we just bought an entire crate full of strawberries...
for 5 bucks. Now what do i do with it? Does anyone have like, ideas for smoothies and stuffs like that? https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10385304_684313688302886_5486373122062775500_n.jpg This is of course a crazy amount. We also have an overload on cherry and blueberry vanilla yoghurt. And…
Injections against being overweight
^ Don't know if i translated that right. But i found this article in the news: http://www.ad.nl/ad/nl/4560/Gezond/article/detail/3664264/2014/05/30/Injectie-tegen-overgewicht-binnen-het-jaar-op-de-markt.dhtml If you're dutch, read it. If you're not, ill roughly translate it: Scientists from 27 different countries have been…
question about pizza calories
(yes, i ate pizza, now shush) So, i weighed my slices and then looked on the ny pizza website i ordered from, and went to see the nutrition in the pizza i ate. And it was SO LITTLE! 201 per 100 grams, my slices were 70 grams. The fat was 6,9 g per 100 grams. Does this sound right or am i doing something wrong??
What do diet pills actually do?
Look; first of all; don't lecture me. Do not, i didn't say i want to use them. I'm just réally curious about what they do. Like, you always hear; "they're bad they're bad they don't work" or exactly the opposite. All i get out of it: you lose weight or do not.. Is there ANYONE that knows what's in it and what it does?
I don't eat enough?
My parents say i don't eat enough and kids at school have been saying i should eat more, my best friend wants me to and she worries about me. I've increased what i ate with about 40 percent and im still far under what i should be eating. Yet i also have a problem that i can get really really hyper if i have too much sugar,…
Insults and compliments
Hey. I've learned something. 'Fat' isn't a synonym for ugly. 'Skinny' isn't a synonym for beautiful. Fat is just fat, all it means is being overweight. And skinny just means skinny, nothing else. This is a really important thing for me to remember, always. And i think everyone should realize it. Why would fat be an insult?…