Take a dump or wait.
I've been sitting here for ten minutes waiting for my next appointment to arrive. I REALLY have to go to the bathroom but I'm afraid I'll miss my appointment. Whatever should I do? Please help!:tongue:
Eight glasses/day of water. Some food for thought.
Almost everyday someone in these forums posts that they struggle with drinking so much water. No matter what others say, they seem to ignore anyone who doesn't agree with the idea that we need so much plain water....and yet they wonder why it's so hard to drink it all. It's good to be skeptical about other people's…
Eight glasses/day of water, it might be an urban myth.
Eight glasses of water a day an urban myth'? Water and a well-balanced diet 'do far more than water alone,' Australian researcher says CBC News Posted: Jun 10, 2012 12:51 AM ET Last Updated: Jun 10, 2012 12:48 AM ET The common advice to drink eight glasses of water a day doesn't hold water, say nutrition and kidney…
Is it really necessary to drink 8 glasses of water a day?
8 glasses of water a day 'an urban myth'? Water and a well-balanced diet 'do far more than water alone,' Australian researcher says CBC News Posted: Jun 10, 2012 12:51 AM ET Last Updated: Jun 10, 2012 12:48 AM ET The common advice to drink eight glasses of water a day doesn't hold water, say nutrition and kidney…
Pound for pound, fresh food is less expensive.
A frequent topic on MFP is the cost of eating healthy vs. eating processed foods. Many believe that eating healthy is more expensive. However, if you compare fresh food "pound for pound" with processed, fresh comes out cheaper. Case in point....a pound of potatoes is MUCH less expensive than a pound of potato chips.
Yup...it's Monday. Another work week begins. It's good to be alive! Tell someone "Thank God It's Monday" today and see what they say.:smile:
Is our money safe in the bank?
With the recent debacle in Cyprus, many are wondering if the same thing could eventually happen in the U.S. Here is a quote by Steve Forbes that gives you an idea of what he thinks. "What in the world is going through the minds of European officials with their crazy, destructive demands with Cyprus? Seizing a portion of…
Do things like spelling and grammar....
...really matter in forums like this?
An observation.
I've always found it interesting how people (me included) quite often are so busy thinking about the next thing, that they miss what's happening now. Example: On Friday we spend the day thinking about what the weekend will bring. A wise man once said..."Don't wish your life away." BTW...have a great weekend. :wink:
Life after death
Do you believe in life after death? Why or why not?
Vegetarian or vegan.
I read one person's profile that stated she was a "vegetarian" for a number of years and then became a "vegan" off and on since then. Thinking there was no difference, I looked both up. I STILL think there is no difference. Any comments?
Eliminate senses of taste and smell.
When I see ads for things that are supposed to suppress our appetites in order to lose weight, I often find myself thinking "I don't overeat because I'm hungry. I often just eat because it tastes soooo good." I think of the times when I have lost my sense of taste and smell due to a cold. During such times I only eat when…
Agnostic bachelor
Looking for other agnostic bachelors.:smile:
Starting out is hard.
Some words of encouragement attributed to the first century AD stoic philosopher named Epictetus.(Sharon Lebell's interpretation) STARTING OUT IS HARD "The first steps toward any goal are the most strenuous because our weak and stubborn souls dread exertion (without absolute guarantee of reward) and the unfamiliar. As you…
Women are REALLY in control.....
.....if men LET them. :wink: My 31 year old son, who is a confirmed bachelor, commented the other day that he thinks he needs to find a woman and settle down. To which I replied, "Son, it's been my experience that THEY find us." I'm sure other men have experienced exceptions to this but when I look back, I can't think of a…
Myth...drink 8 glasses of water a day to lose weight.
The common belief that people should drink eight glasses or two litres of water a day is a 'myth' that needs debunking, a Melbourne academic says. The new Australian recommendations suggest that an adequate daily fluid intake is about 2.8 litres for women and 3.4 litres for men. However, this includes fluid found in food…
Can people REALLY be motivated by someone else?
Or....does something INSIDE of each person have to "click" to change long-held behaviors? I believe it's the latter. Your thoughts please.
Does meyersOmachine really exist?
It's another mystery...LOL.