Do people who are eating paleo limit now many nuts and fruit they eat. Also, do you count calories?
hey, has anyone tried the paleo solution? my boyfriend and i are thinking about trying it for a bit. it wont be any huge changed to our diet other than no oats or crackers. who has tried it and do you have any tips?
Hi! Im gluten and dairy intollerant. and try my best to avoid these foods. i also have a tendency to binge on these foods when im in a bad space and feel terrible physically AND emotionally afterwards. Im 23 studying counselling at the moment. i love it. add me if your gluten or dairy free or thinking of moderating that in…
Is anyone on here from New Zealand? I am :)
I woke up today feeling overwhelmed with a heap little things, and big things for that matter that have been bothering me. I started the day normally with a cuppa tea and healthy breakfast but things quickly went downhill from there and i ate for comfort. nothing terriblly unhealthy. i havent gone over my calorie limit i…
im new on this sight and it would be good to get some friends to swap tips with. im not overweight but interested in nutrition and exercise and would like to lose some weight to feel more confident. ive never counted calaries before so this is new for me and its been awesome to see how much i can eat if i eat the right…