I think I may be feeling sick from artificial sweeteners. Nauseated for months now and the only thing I can connect is Splenda and Nutrasweet. Has anyone else feel this way?:frown: I've been eating it in my oatmeal every day, my low carb yogurt almost everyday, plus chewing 4-8 pieces of gum and having 1-3 artificially…
I need a bicycle. Not expensive but not junk of course. Any recommendations?
I am in my early forties and have a 3 year old and an almost 5 year old. Lost 13 pounds so far, but have about 45 to go. I gained most of it afteri I moved to the south from the north. I am a former aerobics instructor and fitness trainer so I have no excuses! Anyone out there like me?
Been using my fitnesspal consistently for about a month now. Any advice for me?