Feeling Sick from Artificial Sweeteners?

I think I may be feeling sick from artificial sweeteners. Nauseated for months now and the only thing I can connect is Splenda and Nutrasweet. Has anyone else feel this way?:frown:

I've been eating it in my oatmeal every day, my low carb yogurt almost everyday, plus chewing 4-8 pieces of gum and having 1-3 artificially sweetened drinks every day.

I am going to cut all of that put and see how it goes.


  • MaterMama
    I avoid artificial sweeteners because I get really bad headaches when I don't. I also get a bad metal taste.
  • Babrao
    Babrao Posts: 152 Member
    I switched from sugar to Splenda about 6 months ago and I have had no problems with it. I use them in my Coffee, Hot Tea & Unsweetend Ice Tea. Maybe between 2 to 10 packets a day? How many are you using?
  • DiamondInTheDirt
    DiamondInTheDirt Posts: 117 Member
    Youre better off using brown sugar than sweeteners...plus i hate the artificial taste.
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    Try cutting out one kind or the other and see if that fixes it? I don't have a problem with Splenda but generally avoid Nutrasweet.
  • bigislandgrrl
    bigislandgrrl Posts: 196 Member
    I only use Splenda because its derived from Sugar and not a man made sweetner. I only use about a teaspoon to a tablespoon a day.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I guess it depends on how much your using, but I've never had any such feelings. I'm pretty much Splenda only, when I use it. You should try cutting it out for a week and see if it makes a difference; if not?
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I also use Splenda in my coffee(s), twice day (2 packets). No problems what so ever.
  • FitnessDivaK
    According to this article nausea is a common side effect of most artificial sweeteners: http://www.newliving.com/issues/jan_07/articles/sweeteners.html
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Yes, not so much aspertame (I think diet Coke for umteengazillion years has made me immune) but Splenda made me very sick. I was starting to think I was lactose intolerant and then I read the side effects of Splenda and realized that was my issue. I cut it out and felt much better.
  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    Nutrasweet is a migraine trigger for me and saccharin gives me bloody noses. I've not had any problems with Splenda. (Caveat: I try not to eat any artificial sweeteners because of my experiences with NS and saccharin, so I've not eaten a lot of it.)

    You could try Stevia - it's non/low-caloric and is supposed to be a more natural sweetener.
  • janeyloveslife
    janeyloveslife Posts: 34 Member
    I also feel sick from artifical sweetners. I'm prone to getting migraines, and they just make me feel nauseous. I even tried Stevia lately with no luck. I'm just sticking with the real deal - to a minimum.
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    Splenda gave me anxiety. No joke. I was using like 4-5 a day in my coffee, plus in my yogurt, etc and I was like enough is enough. Caused me to want more sugary foods. Have you researched splenda - very bad for you. Try to find pure stevia if you need a little sweetness or use organic sugar in moderation. Those yogurts also have HFCS in them which is not good either. I think you will find you feel better if you get rid of the artificial stuff. I like to think back to my grandparents and how they lived. My grandmother lived to 91 on a whole food diet, none of this processed crap.
  • Liluth
    Liluth Posts: 84 Member
    Anything with aspartame in it gives me an awful headache. If that isn't a sign they're bad for, I don't want to know what is.
  • maria7bella
    Thanks everyone. I am cutting them out completely! Already this morning I feel better. I hope it lasts.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Yes! Good for you, I whole heartedly agree on cutting them out completely!! Nutrasweet, Spenda, Ideal, etc.... are all aspartame or sucralose, which is FAKE sugar. Your body doesn't recognize it and can't process it and they've been linked to myriad of health issues too, Real sugar on occasion won't hurt you, at least it's REAL! Otherwise, I use Stevia or Xylitol when necessary for baking and maple syrup or raw honey too. Clean eating all the way baby!
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    It makes me sick as well. Really sick to my stomach and headaches. One of my friends was having heart palpitations unitl she stopped using them. Try a little bit of honey instead.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Some people will have adverse reactions to artificial sweeteners. In the same way some people, like me, have adverse reactions to cheese.

    If you do, simply don't have it anymore. If you don't carry on having it! For most people it's totally fine and safe.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    OMG, I was going to post about this this morning but decided to do a search. I cut out all artificial sweeteners several months ago (except Stevia). Yesterday I brilliantly decided to grab the Crystal Light and use it in my water. I started feeling nauseous last night and had a slight headache. This morning I woke with a sick headache and generally feel like crap. About an hour ago I started getting that nausea that you feel in your salivary glands and it won't go away even with mint gum! The ONLY thing I changed was adding in Crystal Light yesterday and this morning. UGH, I'm not drinking anymore and I sure hope this goes away QUICK!
  • ixiHemlock
    ixiHemlock Posts: 83 Member
    My favourite is liquid stevia. You just add a few drops and it tastes great without the nausea later. :)

    It's an all natural plant extract and has no calories.
  • SimpleStepsHealthCoach
    Hi maria7bella,

    In the last year I have cut out all artificial sweeteners from my diet. This includes Splenda, aspartame, and high-fructose corn syrup. I now use organic cane sugar or organic agave nectar (both in moderation). With that said, a few times when I have taken a sip/bite out of something using artificial sweeteners I do feel nauseated. I also can taste the sweeteners right away and, for me, they have a chemical taste to them that I no longer enjoy.

    With my experience, and in other member's replies, it doesn't seem like you are alone in this. Maybe just stick with the real stuff?
