What is it exactly? What is it made of and what's the nutritional value of it? I'm really curious.. I tried it for the first time today and the texture was weird..didn't taste bad but looked and felt like some kind of prossesed food...
I am finding that my meals are starting to get boring...I eat the same things a lot. Like for instance... we have hamburger.. what do we make? Our choices are spaghetti (so not filling and too high in calories for wanting to eat a couple hours later) or tacos. I need some new ideas...preferably filling recipes. Thanks in…
I know this is a no-no but what if I were to blend soy milk and fresh fruit together to make a fruit smoothie type thing...is that still a bad thing? Thanks in advance!
It's been about a year since I had my last baby. My pooch (on my tummy) has shrunk quite a bit but now I'm left wondering if it s skin sagging or fat. I really hope it is fat and not skin sagging. Anyone know how to help the skin go back if it is sagging skin rather than fat? Anyone know how to tell? LOL
I had about 800 net calories before I had an egg sandwich. I had about 400 calories left before I got to 1200 net calories. My sandwich was 425 calories. So that would mean that I went over my calories by a few. Can someone tell me how my net calories came to 1409 when I had 400 left to get to 1200 net and my sandwich was…
Is there such thing as burning too many calories? Could someone look at my diary and tell me if I am? And am I taking in enough calories to be burning that many? I am 5'3" ,129 pounds, 23 years old and of course I am female. My goal is to be 105-110 pounds. Thanks in advance!
What exactly are they? Should I have a certain amount at the end of the day? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :)