Still a work in progress but proud of how far I have come
I love seeing peoples progress pics. I never post any because sometimes I feel like I have hardly made any progress, but after comparing my before and after I have really come a long way. I barely have any pics of me when I first started on this journey because I avoided the camera like the plague. The first two pics are…
Ladies how much do you squat???
I have been lifting heavy for about 4 months now and last night I was able to increase my weight on barbell squats to 110. Some of the guys at my gym seem impressed by this. I didn't think that was too impressive. So I was just interested to see where other ladies are at with their squats.
Jessica Smith's cardio Abs
This is a GREAT workout. I found it through my cable provider's ON Demand service. I workout pretty hard but couldn't get to the gym. I am usually leary of workout videos because I get bored but this is a great workout. I am sore all over today. The cardio portion is kickboxing, and then she goes on to do a full body…
Kale chips YUMMY
So I recently discovered Kale chips and I love them. I use a couple of handfuls of kale and add about a tablespoon of olive oil and some seasoning. I put them in the oven (preheated to 350) for about 15 minutes. They are crispy and salty like a chip. Delicious. I am a little leery about how healthy they actually are…
Losing fat and Gaining muscle at the same time?
I am confused about people saying you can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. I keep hearing this and it has not been my experience. Right now I do a pretty intense workout schedule that consist of boxing, crossfit, and weight training. I am overweight but am losing inches and am noticing my muscles are starting…
Trainer told me to lift light weight
So I started doing this class called WarFit, its basically a circuit training class. Its pretty intense. The trainer of the class used to be really overweight and out of shape. He has totally transformed his body and is very lean and in great shape and also trains people on the side. So I asked him to meet me up at my…
strength gains
How long does it take before you start noticing improvement in your upper body strength for a woman? I do boxing three times a week and we always start out the class doing 15 reps of five different types of push ups, so we do about 75, then we rest and do another set of 10 which is about 50. I constantly seem to struggle…
Boxing as a workout
So I started a boxing fitness workout class in January. The class is taught by Raul Marquez who is a former championship boxer. We are not in the ring actually boxing, we are just training like a boxer to get fit. I absolutely love this class. I think I have finally found an exercise I am going to stick to. It's been two…
Air fry????
I just went to this healthy organic restaurant by my job and they serve air fried sweet potatoes and a couple of other items. Does anyone know what this means? I have tried to look it up but there is not much information out there. I guess I could have asked the restaurant but didn't really think about it until after I…
Well I started really working out and eating clean at the beginning of January. I have been great about working out and eat pretty good about 70% of the time. I felt like I was not seeing the results I wanted to see as quickly as I expected. I just figured it was due to my diet. I did notice my clothes were looser, but…
No More Trouble Zones by Jillian Michaels
I bought this video thinking it was going to be too easy for me. I do boxing three days a week and train with weights in the gym three days a week. My fitness level is pretty good. I like to lift heavy weights so I thought using my little hand weights for this workout would be a breeze, I even questioned if the workout…
Squats with barbell
I have always loved to do squats and lunges, but I have never used very heavy weight. I went to work out with my good friend and she squats with the barbell (heavy weight). So I tried it with her and loved it. I have been doing it for a few weeks now but the main problem I am having is the position of the bar is really…
Can baby spinach be frozen without losing nutritional value? What about Kale or any other leafy greens for that matter?
Protein Powder
I love to drink green smoothies so I thought it would be a good idea to purchase some whey protein powder and start adding it in. Well I noticed that when I drink protein powder it gives me horrible acne. I don't really have a problem with acne so I though it was strange. I tried different kinds and I always break out…
Frustrated with pulled back muscle
I kinda go through cycles of fitness where I go from excellent shape then back down to just OK physical fitness...it seems to just be the way my life goes and how I can spend my time working out. But every single time I begin to go from OK shape and start to take my fitness up to the next level, I always...ALWAYS...pull a…
Binge eating
I have been doing so well on eating for the past month. I have been pretty strict, exercising 5 days a week, and doing boxing 3 of those days. I guess I didn't eat enought during the day yesterday because when I got home from work around 5 I was starving. I ate a bowl of soup and that didn't put a dent in my hunger, and I…