Calorie in Calorie out vs low cal super accumulation of fat
I was reading up on fat loss vs muscle loss since I am working out 5 days a week (1h crossfit amd 1h hot yoga), not losing weight and body not visually changing much. I will eat around 1200 cals a day when Im good and maybe 2000 on a rough day. Basically I am always trying to eat very little without succeeding for the…
TO CROSSFIT OR NOT TO CROSSFIT?????? I am: struggling with being overweight (40lbs) working on adding protein/ eating more regularly, and healthy snacking (seeing a specialist for this every week for a few weeks now). I run 3km several times a week and include elliptical to this I feel like the next necessary step to…
1 month until my WEDDING!
This year I sucessfully lost 40 pounds! I unfortunatly got stuck at my current weight for quite a while, but seriously I need to lose a good 5ish pounds to be at a good weight for the wedding (Im already too late for my ideal due to the plateau...but its okay!) I am now working hard to tone my arms for the wedding and to…
1 month until my WEDDING!
This year I sucessfully lost 40 pounds! I unfortunatly got stuck at my current weight for quite a while, but seriously I need to lose a good 5ish pounds to be at a good weight for the wedding (Im already too late for my ideal due to the plateau...but its okay!) I am now working hard to tone my arms for the wedding and to…
maf mfl ahsnt helped me so far
I ordered a wedding dress in a smaller size. I GOTS TO LOSE ME SOME WEIGHT! I have been over weight my whole life but lost 40lbs this year! WOOHOO!!! BUT! the journey is not over!!! I need be a size 8 by THE day......let me rephrase this because I'm afraid you may have understood that I have a few pounds to lose. I NEED TO…
Lost 30lbs, CANT LOSE ANY MORE!!??
Hello eveyone!! Most of my weight loss journey has been with mfp!!! SO THANKS! :D But now for over 2 months I have been STUCK at 170 lbs. I am 5``2 so this is still considered obese when looking at my BMI. I tried to unblock this 'maintenance' by doing Insanity! It was an awsome experience and I got quite toned! BUT I…
wedding, dress, GO!
OBVIOUSLY, I ordered a smaller dress size. I GOTS TO LOSE ME SOME WEIGHT! I have been over weight my whole life but lost 40lbs this year! WOOHOO!!! BUT! the journey is not over!!! I need be a size 8 by THE day......let me rephrase this because I'm afraid you may have understood that I have a few pounds to lose. I NEED TO…
Not losing....with Insanity!
Okay so I was expecting go MELT with Insanity and so far day 30/60 and I am extremely disappointed..... I have been eating healthy and moderately and lost only a pound. I do my workouts everyday....there was a recent road trip so for 2 days healthy was out of the question however. Aside from that one other issue I am…
Insanity...im scared!
HI EVERYONE!!! I plan on starting insanity monday night... HAPPY CANADA DAY! but I keep on hearing horrible stories on people giving up!!! I want......I NEED to lose 30 pounds, from workouts because I have modified my diet as much as possible and its awsome! Ive lost 30 pounds with diet and I want to get fit now!! Any…
Im lost, hahaha. How is everyone getting a hold of Insanity? I usually follow get -Banish fat boost metabolism- from Jillian on youtube whenever im feeling stuffy. I WANNA CHANGE! Is it a DVD I need to order? THANKS
I am only concerned with losing fat right now. When I plan out my days I am always under in protein. Should I try whey or is this just for gaining muscle when the time comes? (in 25 less pounds of fat later) I dont have time for always adding eggs and more meat than Im alreadt having, I usually have a cup of chicken a day…
Another mfp Success :)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1684_10151351820587844_1128509636_n.jpg 2 months-ish :) 20 down, 40 to go
20s- no moms!
Looking for young adults from 19-29 that are fit or working on getting fit! Students but not moms. Not because I dislike children OBVIOUSLY, all my respect goes out to moms! But because I dont have the same body or needs or lifestyle as a beautiful young mommy :) Im an active student TIRED OF NOT BEING HOT IN ANYTHING I…
Hi great people!!! Ive met some awsome enthusiastic people over the last week or so! Just wondering if there were any fellow Canadians that would like to join me in my weight loss and we could encourage eachother! Im from Alberta but have spent most my life in Quebec! Thanks!!:drinker:
Im new here and would love support!! I would appeciate info from others that havent had children yet and are struggling to lose weight, be it recent or a life time struggle! Thanks !! :flowerforyou: