Not losing....with Insanity!

Okay so I was expecting go MELT with Insanity and so far day 30/60 and I am extremely disappointed..... I have been eating healthy and moderately and lost only a pound.

I do my workouts everyday....there was a recent road trip so for 2 days healthy was out of the question however. Aside from that one other issue I am having is going over my calorie goals (before workout). ex. My daily goal is 1290cals but since I workout I may allow myself to eat a little more and reach 1600cals....

This week I tried to fix that by planning my whole week in advance and so far so good. Overall I have lost 1lbs in the past month which is my slowest weight loss...... Everrrrrr

are muscles growing? Im pissed


  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    i hear ya!! i had the same problem. I had my hr up, my food was on the mark...everything. And i gave it my all. I lost a little in the inches department on the 2nd month, but nothing like i expected.
    i got les mill's combat...and did much much better!! still not melting away as i expected, but better results than insanity.
    Im anxious to hear others' comments on your post......
  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    Maybe you're not eating enough. Try eating 1500 cals a day and see what happens. Make sure you're drinking enough water too.
  • lannasster
    I had the same problem. I went through the entire first month without losing pounds or inches. I was eating about 1700 calories a day. Turns out I wasn't eating enough. When I started month 2, I started eating around 2,000-2,500 calories a day. RIght now I'm on day 14 of month 2 and I've lost 10 pounds and an inch in my waist and an inch on my hips. I workout twice a day though. I do about an hour of lifting and then my Insanity workout after.

    Go here to figure out your calorie needs

    When I did mine and saw that I was supposed to be eating over 2,000 calories I was like "there's no way I'm going to lose weight eating that much." But it turns out I just maintained my weight for 4 weeks by not eating enough calories. So frustrating.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Did you take your measurements? I'm doing Body Revolution, not Insanity. I've only lost 1.2 pounds in 2 weeks, but I've lost 6 inches. And as far as the calories, give yourself a bit of wiggle room. I aim for 1200 or slightly over, but I try to keep it between 1200 - 1400. I also always eat back my exercise calories. Do you have a heart rate monitor? Insanity burns A LOT of calories. So you want to make sure you're getting all the energy you need. But take measurements. The scale seems to be evil to a lot of people when they're going through these kinds of programs. Head up though! Insanity is tough and you're at day 30? That's amazing! Good job!
  • FloyMcCaudie
    FloyMcCaudie Posts: 1,132
    You gotta give your bod time to adjust brah, I started HIIT training two months ago and at first month i lost only 9 grams then next one it was over 2 I think..PATIENCE! I'm sure you'll have it ^_^ oh and btw that means by the way your bod looks amazing ha
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    I've not done Insanity myself (not the Insanity you mean anyway) but I have heard from near enough everyone who has done it, that Insanity is notorious for building muscle, as opposed to hardcore weight loss.

    Perhaps you should start taking measurements?
  • SpinCyn
    SpinCyn Posts: 94 Member
    I had the same problem. I went through the entire first month without losing pounds or inches. I was eating about 1700 calories a day. Turns out I wasn't eating enough. When I started month 2, I started eating around 2,000-2,500 calories a day. RIght now I'm on day 14 of month 2 and I've lost 10 pounds and an inch in my waist and an inch on my hips. I workout twice a day though. I do about an hour of lifting and then my Insanity workout after.

    Go here to figure out your calorie needs

    When I did mine and saw that I was supposed to be eating over 2,000 calories I was like "there's no way I'm going to lose weight eating that much." But it turns out I just maintained my weight for 4 weeks by not eating enough calories. So frustrating.

    Wow thanks! Thats crazy!! Ill try adding more workouts to month two :) I jogged a little during month one but not regularly enough
  • SpinCyn
    SpinCyn Posts: 94 Member
    You gotta give your bod time to adjust brah, I started HIIT training two months ago and at first month i lost only 9 grams then next one it was over 2 I think..PATIENCE! I'm sure you'll have it ^_^ oh and btw that means by the way your bod looks amazing ha

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • SpinCyn
    SpinCyn Posts: 94 Member
    I've not done Insanity myself (not the Insanity you mean anyway) but I have heard from near enough everyone who has done it, that Insanity is notorious for building muscle, as opposed to hardcore weight loss.

    Perhaps you should start taking measurements?

    Hmmm yisss I should. I def. feel stronger :)
  • SpinCyn
    SpinCyn Posts: 94 Member
    Maybe you're not eating enough. Try eating 1500 cals a day and see what happens. Make sure you're drinking enough water too.

    Uping water asap!
  • beastmodekittyx
    beastmodekittyx Posts: 97 Member
    It's the gains. The gains are too strong!!!!!
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member

    Seriously do not ever rely on the scale, I lost a whole pound but lost a bunch of inches.
  • IronMan_DuhamNC
    I will agree with most of the comments that you are not eating enough calories. However unless you have a lot of Body fat to loose you will not see drastic reductions. If you read the information booklet, you're aware that you will only loose about a pound a week. It's the increased muscle mass that burns the calories up. It's also very important to be sure that your macro's are being Hit correctly. if you would like more info, just friend me and I'll help you get on the right track.
  • gsop22
    gsop22 Posts: 84 Member
    I am almost done with Insanity, have about a week left. I have lost about 13 lbs so far and eat back most of my calories. I usually try to leave about 200 to 300. Didn't see a huge weight loss my first month but my second month was better. I definitely feel better and have dropped a pant size, also have more energy. I Say increase your calories, your body need it with the intense workouts and for muscle building. Good luck
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    It truly depends on what you ate. Open your diary to the public, for better feedback, miss. I lost 25 lbs in 60 days on my first round of Insanity.

    Total caloric intake aside, are your macros set to... 40/20/40 for carbs, fats, and protein? It matters.

    The nutrition is key to recovery. Stick to the macro, stay atop your protein. You'll make it and it'll drop off you.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member

    Seriously do not ever rely on the scale, I lost a whole pound but lost a bunch of inches.

    This. Seriously. The scale really means very little.
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    Firstly, great job for sticking through Insanity!

    I'm almost done my last week of month two, and I couldn't be happier. I admit that when I first tackled Insanity, I had all these expectations that it would melt away everything and be such a good solution. After my initial weight drop, I definitely hit a plateau that first month and leading into the second, but I finally took measurements and had lost inches!

    Remember, weight loss is actually your diet. So if you eat horrible and do Insanity, it's slightly counter productive if you're looking to simply lose weight. I did look at the scale, but stopped thinking about Insanity as a method to lose weight. I would highly suggest keeping measurements and watching what you eat. Insanity will help with calorie burn, but think of it as a workout for your muscles and endurance, mine improved so much!

    In the end, I LOVE Insanity, and I LOVE Shaun T! I am definitely going to throw in a workout here and there once I switch up my routine, and even incorporate my favourite moves of his into my own circuits.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Ok let's be real, there's no way she built any muscle while eating 1200-1600 calories with insanity.

    I'm quite sure it comes with an instruction booklet. That should tell you how much you need to eat if you want results.
  • bsolada
    bsolada Posts: 23 Member
    Girl I understand! I did Insanity expecting huge results or change but didn't really have differences on the scale or with measurements. For me I think part of it was that I could not do a good portion of the activites due to them being so heavily focused on the upper body. I am still gaining strength that way so I would try to modify the exercises so I could keep my heart rate up but found I still never really lost lbs or inches.

    I have had better results with P90X doing the kempo x or plyo work outs, or Brazilian Butt Lift, ChaLEAN Extreme. I find that wearing a heart-rate monitor allows me to be aware of where I am and as long as your heart rate stays up for an extended period of time and you're eating under your calories, you should lose. Just wanted you to know you're not alone! Hey, maybe I was gaining mass muscle but I really don't think so, good luck!
  • ALekaeHay
    ALekaeHay Posts: 37 Member
    I'm two weeks in and have lost 4 lbs., 1.5 inches from waist, 1 inch from stomach, and 1 inch from hips. Not bad at all but the way I'm sweating by the end of the workouts I thought it would be more. I did skip a couple days last week (made up the workouts later) and have rotated the schedule somewhat to have my "off" day on Wednesdays instead of Sunday to better fit my schedule. (Not sure if that could have anything to do with it or not.) I eat right around 1400 cals. a day but rarely eat back my exercise calories, unless it's just about 100 or so. (I just can't get it to make sense in my head to eat all of them back!) Just this past week I've tried to watch my carb intake & keep it at least under 100 grams, but preferably under 75, along with getting more protein and healthy fats (think Paleo, but probably a little more loose). I think that's helped some. I'm hoping that as I get on a more structured schedule this week and am more consistent with the workouts & diet I'll start losing more.

    I've thought about adding in some more cardio, even if it's just a mile or two.

    Good luck with Insanity and know you're not alone in losing less than you thought you would!