When a person is away from this program awhile..people delete you as a fitness pal buddy:( It is ok........I will make some new fitness pal friends..maybe some that have similar goals as I dol
Have you ever met anyone that doesnt have a weight goal? That's me...LOL I am overweight, but my goal is to regain some energy to where I do feel like exercising more...I always said when I got serious about losing I would do it the correct way with NO pills or by FAD diets..I have seen what this has done to other friends…
TOmorrow will be one week I have went without losing any lbs. I have lost 11 lbs totalsince I have started this program which was earlier part of Feb.Soo how long have you went without losing any lbs? I know inches doesnt always show in scales:) Just concerned, I have 100lbs to lose..and always under my calorie goal while…
I am set at 1,710 intake cals a day, and I am losing, do I ever need to change anything, or stay at this 1,710 cals until my ideal weight is reached? I am always UNDER this..300-400 cals under..some times I get the message in starvation mode..but that is not often,..maybe once a week.
Can a person lose weight by going "UNDER" their calorie intake on a daily basis, that is listed in the diary. With little or no emphasis on the other things such as FAT,CARBS and SUGARS, ect.
How many of you have lost lbs with little to no exercise? Tell me a little about your story. By my understanding if you exercise 3x a week for 30mins your calories increase? TRUE or FALSE?