Very specific request for skin tightening success story kind of...please read??
Hello, I was wondering if anyone has had a situation where they lost weight through diet and moderate cardio like walking, got down to a 'healthy' size but with still a lot of abdominal fat/skin? Then found with resistance and strength training combined with high intensity cardio that it seemed to spring back to a more…
Best sports clothes on a budget?
I'm a large breasted woman, I can only spend around ~£60 on sports bras 'n' all. I've never had a proper one for this reason, used to just get a sports top type bra (e.g. Mountain Warehouse) that's fairly inexpensive, and wear an old underwired bra. But I should probably invest in something better. Anyway, I've got some…
Best all round trainers (sneakers)?
What's the best type? I'm pretty poor tbh and lack of exercise is definitely only encouraging my depression and not helping with the getting out and getting a job so I have more money and can buy all the shoes in the world. But yeah, I can't afford buying three different types for different exercises. So as long as I have…
HEalthy, wheat free and protein rich diet on £10 a week.
Hi, I need to start making meals for one, that are healthy and relatively low in wheat-based products (not allergic, but I find I lack a lot of energy when I live off pasta/rice/bread (where these are making up 70-80% of my daily calories). I live in the UK, and just want to know if anyone's got any good ideas for…
Kind of, maybe an NSV?
So, me not having many IRL friends around here tend to go out with my boyfriend and his friends (we live in his home town, largely old school mates etc.). Anyway, last Saturday I didn't go out because I felt sick and it was late and my boyfriend had bumped into a mate at the shop who invited him to a party, and he…
Is this true? (Women + Exercising + Carbs)
http://www.fitsugar.com/Hormones-Released-After-Working-Out-19252431 In the above article it says the following: "Estrogen determines whether carbs or fat fuel the body during an intense exercise session. Women tend to burn fat for fuel, while men tend to burn carbs, because women have higher estrogen levels." Is this…