UKBFF Bikini 2014
Hey! In May I will be competingin my first comp in the Bikini class with UKBFF! I wondered if anyone is competing this year? Where? When? Est!
Cutting body fat!
Ok so I have been lifting weights for a good 6 month and worked my lil *kitten* off but the thing is! I just have stuborn fat let that isnt budging! Has anyone got any adivce to cutting for a GIRL! I have found loads on guys but they are very focased of male cutting! Help :) Please!
Whey Protein pancake mix - EGGY :(
I bought some whey protein pancake mix from protein works" a cople of weeks ago! As much as I love that its a pre made pancake mix it does taste really eggy! Can anyone suggest something that i can put in to to make it taste less eggy?
Stuborn fat?!? Help?
125lb 5'5 Eating - 1300-1400 clean as I can eat Strengh training 4- 5 times a week Monday rest Tuesday - Bum and legs Wednesday - Abs Thursday - Cardio Friday - Arms and back Saturday - Bum and legs Sunday Arms and back and cardio I have this dam stuborn fat that just won't budge! Any advice and tips?
Body fat % calculator? BEST ONE?
Quick one, I have given up on tracking my weight due to amount of strength training! I have been looking for a body fat % calculator! But all tell me so different! What the best one, folks? Online?
Do I need to up my cal intake?
I recently gained a pound that I had lost! YET! Im eating between 1000- 1200 cals Exercise 5 times a week burning betwwen 500-1000 cals! Strength training! 5'5 124
Clean foods? What are they?
I have been trying to eat as clean as I can lately! But I have been in to mind if some foods are really "Clean" What would you say is truely clean foods and example! Cheers Loves!!!!! :)
Whats the best Youtube cardio workout?
Hey guys! I was wondering what the best intensity cardio workout was on Youtube!
Add me people! Anyone welcome! As long as friendly! and not weird!!! AHHHAHA :)
Tumblr or Instagram?
Tumblr: lucygja.tumblr.com Instagram: luceegj Do post loads of fitness/diet related!
Cross runner or treadmill? Better Cardio
Lately I have slacking on my cardio and wanted to pick it back up again! Im 18 and weight 57KG I would probs do about 15-20 intense! Whats better Cross runner or treadmill?
Squats! Need help and tips!!! : )
Hey Guys! I have been doing squats everyday but don't seems to be doing great! I wondered if you could help I do about 100- 150 4 times a week wih 3KG weights! Would be greateful! :D
Pasta Sauces? Clean?
Hey guys! I wonder if anyone had any ideas for pasta sauces! I usually have pasta dry as I am very fussy! But it really is getting boaring now! I try to eat as clean as I can! Any ideas I would be greateful! (Dont do fish!)
I have been doing quite a lot on the treadmill laterly and I wondered if it was better to run/ jog in short bursts say 10 min at 10.0 or 30min at 9.0? Cheers Dears!