I have been slowly trying to get better and eat healthier foods so I am not tempted to throw up.. I have been going a few days without having any problems, but the odd day I do struggle with it. I wont give up on trying to beat bulimia but I am just wondering if anyone else who has/had it experienced the same problems as…
This is pretty embarrassing for me to admit but I would really like some feedback and suggestion of how to deal with it. I have been dating my boyfriend since high school (about 4 years). I am madly in love with him and I know he is my soul mate (he feels the same). He lives far away and we visit each other as often as…
I was thinking about getting a tattoo and wanted to know your general honest thoughts about them. Mine I would want small and nothing that stands out too much (was thinking of an outline of a heart with possibly and awareness ribbon small with it). General thoughts about tattoos in general? Tips also welcome :)
My name is Laura, I am sort of new to this site but have been using many similar (this one is my new favorite). Does anyone else get very depressed.. to the point you don't eat much or eat a lot? I find I get depressed a lot (with my reasons, not just random) and then I feel like I don't deserve to eat or simply forget..…