Depression & Food..

My name is Laura, I am sort of new to this site but have been using many similar (this one is my new favorite).

Does anyone else get very depressed.. to the point you don't eat much or eat a lot? I find I get depressed a lot (with my reasons, not just random) and then I feel like I don't deserve to eat or simply forget.. If you have any suggestions for me or just support to know I am not alone, that would be nice.



  • GCanha
    GCanha Posts: 66 Member
    There were many times I felt that way- and I realized that I was punishing myself. I was taking out my feelings on my body. I don't need to tell you that it's not healthy to do that- you already know that, but I would recommend you speak to someone about it.

    I did, and turns out, I needed the help- and I started feeling better. I still have my bad days, but I try to take out my feeling another way- like going for a walk...breathing fresh air, gaining perspective and addressing thel issues that are making me have those feelings.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Summerful
    Summerful Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks, thats good to hear. I've tried going for help but I think it is just my surroundings honestly. If I am away from my house/family, I seem to relax and let myself go on as normal... but I can't move out yet because I am still in school full time. Hopefully soon and I will be able to relax as I said :) For now I will try your suggestions. I tend to just sleep, clean, or something along those lines...
  • GCanha
    GCanha Posts: 66 Member
    It's funny you say that. I just had my "night off". I'm married, have a demanding full time job and have 2 little girls. Life is hectic- and anxiety and depression can easily creep in. My doctor recommended "a night off" from my life. A night when I can do ANYTHING I WANT! Not what the kids want- not what the husband wants- what I want! When he first mentioned it- I thought he was nuts!

    Well guess what? it's a wonderful idea. It gives me a chance to be me!

    Sometimes I meet up with friends for a movie or dinner. Once I met up with a girl friend from grammer school and we were out until 2am catching up! Sometimes,I sit at the bookstore reading my nook for a few hours, sometimes I go for a massage. Sometimes, like tonight, I just ended up at my favorite store where I bought a fabulous dress for my wedding anniversary.

    It doesn't matter what I do- or how long I'm out. It's time to catch up with me- without feeling guilty. And it feels like I'm getting a battery charge.

    It has worked out so well that my husband and I now alternate Fridays as "night off".

    The important thing to remember is to spend some time on you and what you need. Now that I've started doing that, I realize that I am a much happier person- a much happier wife- and a much happier mommy!
  • Summerful
    Summerful Posts: 46 Member
    Oh that sounds wonderful, im happy for you :) I get that feeling when I am with my boyfriend (of 4 years! prob nothing compared to yours but it is a lot to me lol). He makes me feel like I can just relax and "recharge" my self confidence. He lives so far away though.. hard being without him.

    I use to spend time alone just listening to music or being with friends, but it seemed to make things worse for me. I have no idea why, but I guess everyone has their "thing", or maybe I just was doing the wrong things, I am not sure.
  • mepiniowa
    mepiniowa Posts: 5 Member
    You all have great suggestions to combat the link ten depression n food...I'm a veteran of that war n mostly use cardio exercise during those late daylight hours...ESP now that light is getting shorter.
    But, I'd like to suggest another way to take care of yrself that doesn't rely on anyone else for yr happy feeling...breathing...awareness of breathing. Try a local yoga class that includes a bit of breathing, n ull be surprised at how peaceful n content you'll feel. I was big skeptic....I actually teach yoga now!
  • Summerful
    Summerful Posts: 46 Member
    Yoga sounds amazing, I have a free pass to the gym so I should look into that! Thanks, that really interests me haha.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    It's possible you might benefit from a psychological evaluation. Because you can't leave your living situation, the stress and anxiety may not be eased enough by one evening. You may benefit from some counseling in order for you to 'see' your situation in a different light. or learn other ways of handling whatever it is.
    I've been there, done that, many times. Until I found out why. Good Luck.
  • deedeehopes
    deedeehopes Posts: 39 Member
    If I get heartbroken, like once I found out my boyfriend almost cheated on me, I won't eat at all. You kind of just lose your appetite, you know? If I just get depressed, I usually eat a lot of terrible sugary foods. So neither of those is good. I've been trying lately though to turn to working out if I ever feel down and really stay positive. I've had a low self-esteem my whole life and lived every day comparing myself to others. Only recently have I been trying to actually learn to love myself for what I am.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Oh yes, I definitely can relate. What helps me is talking to a friend. Sure it doesn't necessarily fix everything, but knowing you have support and empathy can make a big difference....even if you don't know what is wrong. As for food...if you overeat when depressed, just try and think about how it will make you feel later on, bloated and sick and what not. Eat healthy, whole foods. Drink a lot of water and tea. This may help your mood, too! And I FULLY AGREE with whoever suggested yoga, it has made a world of difference for me. Add me if you like, I struggle with depression too and it helps to talk when you need to.
  • Summerful
    Summerful Posts: 46 Member
    I have been to a therapist before, but wasn't my thing. I sort of accept my situation at home, I respect the others living here even though I disagree with many of their actions aka: I leave that to their own business. What keeps me going is knowing I can leave in a few years happily, for now I am civil but alone. School I love because of the people, so it is kind of my excitement of the day lol and why I take summer classes.

    I agree with you deedeehopes, I get low self-esteem easy too. I do love myself, yet I get depressed about other lives.. weird as that sounds. I hate knowing that someone else in the world is suffering or being bullied etc. I tried to see more positive but it is something I just need to face and deal with as best as possible I guess. Just my personality..
  • Pinkigloopyxie
    I get to a point where all food seems grey and bland. Then I shove it inside my mouth anyways to try and see if I can taste again. Doesn't really work beyond the comforting feeling of sucking away at something. (Er... chocolate.)

    Also I had an awkward encounter at a pizza place, ordered the wrong sauce, they were busy and the girl making it sighed and looked annoyed. Oh god... I felt like curling into a ball and dying. It was a chicken/bacon/artichoke delite and I felt so awful on the way home about being an inconvenience that I stressed over it while the pizza was cooking and I told myself I would have 4/10 slices max.

    I would have eaten the whole thing but in a split second it was cheese down in the trash and I smushed it in angrily to make sure it was completely done for.

    Then I felt bad for wasting food. Worse, I still felt hungry.
  • Summerful
    Summerful Posts: 46 Member
    Yeah same, I waste a lot of food sometimes and it makes me feel terrible. I'm trying to do things different but its a struggle..
  • hwgwortham
    HI Laura,

    I eat very little when I am depressed. I simply have no appetite and even the thoughts of food make me sick. Then when I feel better again, I eat a lot... So the weight goes off, and comes back on and rinse and repeat. :(