Fat loss 25lbs
Not the biggest weight loss ever, but a very strict diet and lots of effort into dropping 25lbs.
U.K. Friends?
Looking to start up for the summer and get leaner :) add me
Devon, England
Anyone from Devon on here?
Losing fat
Wanting to lose fat and get lean for the summer, motivation needed :) add me.
Instagram page
If anyone interested in sharing their success stories/transformations on Instagram, message me @igtransformationstories :) My personal page @ricktraining
Weight loss stories
If anyone interested in sharing their success stories/transformations on Instagram, message me @igtransformationstories :)
200 to 173lbs fat loss
If you'd like to follow my progress/motivate etc add me or follow on Instagram @ ricktraining
200 > 180lbs body fat loss
My dieting up to now, still a way to go.
Body changes
7th week in, add and motivate :)
follow me @ ricktraining :)
Looking for motivational friends, feel free to add me :)
week two! Looking for more motivational friends, add me :)
Need to lose 20lbs
Hey all :) I'm 196lbs day 4 into my dieting and want some support and friends so feel free to add.
Looking for support
back to tracking calories after 2 years! Need some motivation and support, feel free to add :)
Anyone from England?
how do you add your excersize via the phone app?
Hi, names Rich! Back after a 2 year "bulk" 196lbs carrying too much fat now and looking to lean down and maybe see some abs haha. Feel free to add if you'd like to share motivation :)
Jennifer Lawrence or Jessica Alba?
It's a hard one :( I think I'd go for Jennifer Lawrence know! Go!
Greatest movie of all time?
Mines Gladiator, I could watch it over and over! go!
Diet coke
I pretty much only drink water, 1 coffee in the morning to awaken myself, was looking diet coke and it's only 2 calories? Opinions? I find it hard to believe it is, considering it seems full of sweeteners etc just seriously bored of just drinking water.
Gains/Losing fat
Hi, just a quick question into gaining muscle and fat at the same time I know it is possible but to lose fat how man calories in a deficit should you be while being able to atleast maintain or make noob gains?
Motivating friends feel free to add
Been on this site for a few months, trying to eat as healthy as I can lose body fat and gain muscle just looking for more motivating friends, male or female feel free to add!
New to this website but if anyone has any advice/encouragement on losing b/f while building muscle more than welcome to add me.