I had part of my Thyroid removed last year. Since then I have put on 15lbs. I had my hormones tested and it showed that they were off.I guess this would explain why I put on so much weight so quickly when I have not changed my diet. I am going to see an endocrinologist soon. My question is that has anyone found a certain…
This is more about my hubby than me. Like I posted before I have not had much of a struggle with weight until the past few years and now I am only about 10-20 lbs overweight. My husband has always struggled. I can't stop feeling guilty for this. I have been married to him since he was 18 now he is 43. I am the main cook in…
I am not sure if it is my house and fridge or what. But I have NEVER had so much trouble keep fresh veggies. It is very frustrating. My lettuce goes bad in two days whether in the fridge or counter. I do have a food saver but have not used it for fruits and veggies. Has anyone tried it. I do not have the special cord for…
I am 42 and until I turned 35 I never really had a huge issue with my weight. But I have never really enjoyed eating. I know this sounds like what everyone would LOVE, however, it is not easy. I have never had an eating disorder. Never starved myself to lose weight. I simply do not like doing it. Food has never really…