I hate to eat!

I am 42 and until I turned 35 I never really had a huge issue with my weight. But I have never really enjoyed eating. I know this sounds like what everyone would LOVE, however, it is not easy. I have never had an eating disorder. Never starved myself to lose weight. I simply do not like doing it. Food has never really taste like I see people react. I eat because I have to. The only thing that I "like" (and I use that term loosely) is pastas. I guess that is were I am putting on some of the weight. If I could go all day without eating that would be great.

I was raised poor and did not have a lot of food. I was hungry often and to this day hunger simply does not bother me. How does one lose weight when food simply does not taste good? How do I eat veggies and such when they are so hard to palate( I feel the same about chocolate) I hate sweets. I only have 2 cans of soda a day.

I am 152 and 5'3" I have about 20lbs I want to loose but I am so frustrated. Everyone keeps telling me they wish they had my problem. People do not realize how hard it really is. I do not find food repulsive. I just don't like it and it feels like a waste of time.

I wish there were people out there that understood this struggle. I Have been eating more salads. And I "like" oranges and strawberry's.

I suffer from chronic pain due to a genetic disorder so spending a lot of time preparing food is getting harder.

I doubt many people can relate I just wanted to put my voice out there. So far the 40's are NOT my favorite decade. Thins are falling and spreading. :noway: :ohwell:


  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    This sounds like this might be a combo of a psychological issue and a texture based food issue. I do know that you can find tons of recipes for preparing the foods you do like in different ways. There is also nothing wrong with eating the same foods, day after day, as long as they are nutritious enough to keep you going.

    Unfortunately, that's all that I could say. This is not an issue I have any experience with. Hope you find the answers you need.
  • stagingfirstplace
    stagingfirstplace Posts: 49 Member
    sounds like you need a routine.
    try starting the day with a smoothie - easy to stomach and can be healthy.
    heres my fave:
    5 egg whites
    1 banana
    2/3 cup blueberries
    2 tbsp coconut cream
    small handful spinach (cant taste it)

    and eat meat, sweet potato, veggies, salads, fruit and nuts during the day. try to eat every 3 hours to keep a routine going and to help regulate your appetite,
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    ...then how did you gain weight in the first place?
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    ...then how did you gain weight in the first place?
  • stagingfirstplace
    stagingfirstplace Posts: 49 Member
    ...then how did you gain weight in the first place?

    eating the wrong foods at 'normal people' meal times because she knows she needs to eat food.
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    ...then how did you gain weight in the first place?

    Aging, sedentary life style, she does eat some foods even if you only a few you can still eat to excess, or prolonged under-eating can cause weight gain as starvation mode is an actual thing, just often incorrectly blamed here.

    OP, is it the texture or the taste of the foods your eating that are bland? I was weird about foods for awhile because they made me sick due to gluten issue, I understand the concept of not wanting to eat simply because it wasn't a pleasant experience. Try new foods, try smoothies or juicing, and sometimes you just have to suffer through. Have you talked to a doc or therapist about it?
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I really like food. But I don't pig out like I used to, because I don't want to be the fat guy anymore. sorry dude, maybe you need a psychologist or something.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    This sounds like this might be a combo of a psychological issue and a texture based food issue. I do know that you can find tons of recipes for preparing the foods you do like in different ways. There is also nothing wrong with eating the same foods, day after day, as long as they are nutritious enough to keep you going.

    Unfortunately, that's all that I could say. This is not an issue I have any experience with. Hope you find the answers you need.

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I am 42 and until I turned 35 I never really had a huge issue with my weight. But I have never really enjoyed eating. I know this sounds like what everyone would LOVE, however, it is not easy. I have never had an eating disorder. Never starved myself to lose weight. I simply do not like doing it. Food has never really taste like I see people react. I eat because I have to. The only thing that I "like" (and I use that term loosely) is pastas. I guess that is were I am putting on some of the weight. If I could go all day without eating that would be great.

    I was raised poor and did not have a lot of food. I was hungry often and to this day hunger simply does not bother me. How does one lose weight when food simply does not taste good? How do I eat veggies and such when they are so hard to palate( I feel the same about chocolate) I hate sweets. I only have 2 cans of soda a day.

    I am 152 and 5'3" I have about 20lbs I want to loose but I am so frustrated. Everyone keeps telling me they wish they had my problem. People do not realize how hard it really is. I do not find food repulsive. I just don't like it and it feels like a waste of time.

    I wish there were people out there that understood this struggle. I Have been eating more salads. And I "like" oranges and strawberry's.

    I suffer from chronic pain due to a genetic disorder so spending a lot of time preparing food is getting harder.

    I doubt many people can relate I just wanted to put my voice out there. So far the 40's are NOT my favorite decade. Thins are falling and spreading. :noway: :ohwell:

    That sounds genuinely rough. I'm not sure what the answer to your problem is, but perhaps you need to start thinking of food in a different way. I have no idea how you can accomplish that. Focus on the foods that are easy to prepare and you find least objectionable. Try to make sure you get the proper calories and nutrients every day.
  • stagingfirstplace
    stagingfirstplace Posts: 49 Member
    ...then how did you gain weight in the first place?

    eating the wrong foods at 'normal people' meal times because she knows she needs to eat food.
    So what's the problem? if most of the foods she eat don't taste good, so they're all on the same level. She just has to change them...

    thats what im saying, just change the foods she eats and eat regularly to stimulate appetite.
  • Rizabees
    Rizabees Posts: 80
    ...then how did you gain weight in the first place?

    How's that helpful.. at all?

    To OP: My brother-in-law only eats cause he has to. He thinks it's a chore and is only wiling to eat certain things because he has an issue with texture as well. So you're not alone in not enjoying eating.

    Find something you like to eat and stick with it, but in healthy portions. Maybe cut out the soda, drink more water.
    Maybe talk to a dietician if you can afford one or get in touch with one and see if they can help you.

    Best of luck.
  • angelcurry130
    angelcurry130 Posts: 265 Member
    if it is flavor that bothers you, i would strongly recommend taking a cooking class at your local community center (if one is offered) or start experimenting with herbs and spices. food doesn't have to be bland and icky.

    if it is texture, try different cuts of meat, or a new vegetable each week. play around with HOW you cook something. like, instead of boiling or steaming veggies, try stir fry or even light grilling.

    hope that helps. :)
  • ghhosstt
    ghhosstt Posts: 112
    have you ever seen Supersized vs superskinny? When there is a person on that program who claims to be a picky eater or not to like certain foods, they challenge them to try a variety of different foods often. There are so many things out there you haven't tried. It's also been proven that you can actually "teach" yourself to like something by trying it numerous times, which is what I'd recommend doing, by trying nutritious foods in a variety of different recipes and cooking them in different ways. Think of all the good nutrition you'll be feeding your body ... I guarantee you'll start feeling better too, have more energy, etc once you add diversity to your diet. I taught myself to enjoy many different kinds of food I previously disliked by doing this. :)
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69
    Thanks everyone for the reply's. I was never a big eater. I was always the type to eat to live not live to eat. Texture does not seem to be a big issue. Flavors seem to have been enhanced...I guess. I started on meds to help with the chronic pain after about a year I noticed foods started to taste different. I liked things I didn't like in the past and things I like I no longer really cared if I ate. I figured I was just getting older and my taste was changing. So not all foods are on the same level. Everything just took a step down.

    The meds also helped to put on the weight although like someone stated I do not exercise at all. I would like to lie and say I do but I don't. I am trying to change that. And just eating the wrong thing because it is what I can palate. I do eat some of my veggies and have made a pasta sauce that has pureed veggies in it (carrots, spinach, mushrooms, onions) so I guess that counts a little.

    I have spoken to doctors they just chuckle and say the wish they had that problem and that I had to just eat. Maybe it is psychological but like I said the doctors just think I am a picky eater. Nobody seems to take it seriously like it is a problem. I have been trying to do better. I

    I will try some smoothies. thanks everyone for taking the time to listen and give me advice. this is really the most help I have gotten in a long time.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    have you ever seen Supersized vs superskinny? When there is a person on that program who claims to be a picky eater or not to like certain foods, they challenge them to try a variety of different foods often. There are so many things out there you haven't tried. It's also been proven that you can actually "teach" yourself to like something by trying it numerous times, which is what I'd recommend doing, by trying nutritious foods in a variety of different recipes and cooking them in different ways. Think of all the good nutrition you'll be feeding your body ... I guarantee you'll start feeling better too, have more energy, etc once you add diversity to your diet. I taught myself to enjoy many different kinds of food I previously disliked by doing this. :)

    best show ever. so much good info too. I think everyone should watch it, I saw a lot of traits on both side of the fat/skinny fence in myself and it helped me along the way.
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69
    I saw the supersize that was scary. I could not imagine eating mc'd's EVERY day. I do know you can teach your taste buds and that is what I have started to do. I never liked beans before but now I do. I am willing to try just about anything I am good with trying. :)
    So I am trying. I just wanted to rant. I honestly figured I would just get the same old response about how great it must be.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Maybe it is literally a taste problem. Might be an idea to mention this to your doctor, you may be suffering a taste disorder. I know this may be a bit out there but you never know.

    Some people cannot detect any tastes, which is called ageusia. True taste loss, however, is rare. Most often, people are experiencing a loss of smell instead of a loss of taste this can make all food taste bland. There are a lot of causes for this and some people are born with a "lack of taste" (I myself lack taste but only in the fashion department :smile: )

    Perhaps changing your perception of food and meal times might help. Try thinking of food as fuel and plan to "fuel" your body rather than "feed" it. Make sure you get the right nutrients to do your body good and keep to the calorie level to lose weight.

    I hope you find a way through this and achieve your goals, good luck :flowerforyou:
  • genkimomof2
    genkimomof2 Posts: 50 Member
    Being in chronic pain is definitely part of the problem. When you are in pain, that dulls every other sensation and makes food taste like sand. find a way to manage your pain FIRST. Do whatever it takes. that will make you enjoy EVERYTHING in life more, including eating. I suspect you are becoming more sedentary as a result of the pain as well, and that is probably why the little you do eat is getting stored away.

    Also, improperly functioning olfactory bulbs cause food to entirely loose it's appeal. I once had a sinus infection that I was too poor to see a doctor and tried to cure myself, but it took nearly a year. I noticed I could hardly taste food at all, and was surprised how much the nose has to do with food enjoyment. I lost quite a bit of weight because I didn't want to eat from stress and anyway I couldn't taste. Did you have something happen to your nasal cavity (a break the didn't get set properly, sinus problems, etc)?

    Also, have you spoken to the doctor that helps you manage your genetic illness? You didn't give details, but if it causes you pain, it may be affecting your heart, and your body may be retaining water as a coping mechanism, and it MAY be water sloshing around your legs and midsection, not fat, or at least a combination. If that's the case, you need medical attention ASAP.

    Once you have your medical condition(s) under control, if you still hate eating, try to address whatever psychological issues you may have with food. Try foods you've never had, from different ethnic groups, until you find something you enjoy. There is a whole world of food out there and if you have no medical or psychological issues, you WILL find something out there that will appeal to you.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I saw the supersize that was scary. I could not imagine eating mc'd's EVERY day. I do know you can teach your taste buds and that is what I have started to do. I never liked beans before but now I do. I am willing to try just about anything I am good with trying. :)
    So I am trying. I just wanted to rant. I honestly figured I would just get the same old response about how great it must be.

    not that one... this one....


    great show
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69
    I had not thought of that. I have a tumor disorder and was concerned about a tumor in my nose or even the brain (we are prone to them). But the doctor dismissed that. I am looking for another doctor soon. I know the meds have contributed to my weight. Because I went off the pain meds 3 different times and lost around 5lbs in a week each time. My daughters dr told me weight gain is a side effect (she is on the same meds)