I feel guilty.

This is more about my hubby than me. Like I posted before I have not had much of a struggle with weight until the past few years and now I am only about 10-20 lbs overweight. My husband has always struggled. I can't stop feeling guilty for this. I have been married to him since he was 18 now he is 43. I am the main cook in the house..ok really the only cook in the house. I am the one who makes the meals and shops so I feel it is a large part my fault he is obese. He would go out and get food because I have chronic pain and was having a bad pain day so he stopped and got fast food so I did not have to cook. He had lost over 100lbs through WW.

I am very frustrated and sad.

Just ranting.


  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    It's his choice to over eat and eat fast food..... you don' t have control over anyone but yourself. Lose the guilt and put that energy into helping him learn how to make better choices. He's a grown man who can learn how to cook for himself if you are not able to.
  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member
    It's not your fault. It's HIS body, HIS choice.
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    Can you cook things in larger batches and put it in the freezer, so on bad days he still has a healthy option he just hast to reheat it.

    *Edited to say...i get why you feel bad, i do all the cooking as well my husband would set the house on fire.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    There are healthy choices at fast food restaurants (McDonald's grilled southwest chicken salad, for one). He's a grown @$$ man and can make decisions himself. It's not your fault--his decisions are his own.
  • AmberLee2012
    AmberLee2012 Posts: 540
    My husband does all of the cooking but I don't blame him for being overweight. It's not your fault. You also don't know what he's eating all day everyday unless you both don't leave the house much. There are things you can do to HELP him and yourself lose weight by cooking healthier meals, but it's his responsibility to watch his intake and to make the effort to lose the weight.
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69
    Can you cook things in larger batches and put it in the freezer, so on bad days he still has a healthy option he just hast to reheat it.

    *Edited to say...i get why you feel bad, i do all the cooking as well my husband would set the house on fire.

    Thanks I am learning how to do that but at the moment the only two things I really do is cottage pie and lasagna. I try to make the lasagna healthier but having pureed veggies in the sauce.

    I want to make clear that he takes responsibility for being overweight. He tells me it is his fault not mine. Neither one of us was raised eating veggies. Both of us were poor and the veggies we got were from a can. I am learning to eat healthier. I make a lot from scratch. I know the biggest issue is getting him to eat more fruits and veggies.

  • ultimuttginge
    My boyfriend does all the cooking and I piled the weight on for the first year we were together...but I dont blame him in the slightest. It was up to me to take control of my food (ie portion sizes). Dont blame yourself for his weight...he controls what he eats and doesn't eat. maybe you both need to sit down and discuss your food arrangements. I like the idea of cooking big and freezing stuff! :)
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    Quite the opposite for me as my husband does 90% of the cooking. He's a great cook but always prepares fattening, high-calorie meals. I have two options. I can eat his meals and use portion control or make a separate meal for myself. Neither of us is offended and we're both happy. So, like many others here are saying, it's the individual's choice on what they consume. Not the person preparing the meals. Also, as others here are saying, there are usually healthy choices at fast-food restaurants ~ you just need to do your homework. So, please don't feel his eating is YOUR responsibility.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I can see why you feel how you feel.
    But he didn't have to stop and get junk, he could of tried to cook for you and him.