cool post, pay special attention to the part about food!
yummy easy dinner I made, under 300 calories!
Home Remedies for Dehydration
Well, I am about 100% sure I am dehydrated now that I have read through the article I have put the link for below. I have been having headaches almost every single day for the last month or so...I spent a little bit of time worrying that I had something terribly wrong with me...but now that I've read this article I feel…
Attic Shopping + "Unshopping"
Major personal debate going on here. I just got some cute smaller clothes down from my attic....YAY! That said, to make room for them I tried on a bunch of stuff that's been hanging in my closet for the past few months. I was shocked to find out that none of them fit...they were HUGE!!! Pants that looked like I was trying…
Another yummy quinoa recipe!
I adore quinoa and a friend of mine was having some for lunch the other day and I decided to try to recreate her recipe...I forgot what was probably a key ingredient, but because I did, the sodium was lower than it would have been and it was still tasty! 1 cup dry quinoa, cook according to package directions add the chili…
Stressful Family Situation...
I am stressing. Family stuff. My dad lost his job a few months ago and is struggling to pay his bills. He had talked to us about living with us when he first lost his job and thought he might have trouble getting by and we said potentially for a couple of months, but not long term. Well, now that time has come and our…
Giving away my big clothes...
So I was home from work today and spent a little bit of time trying on some jeans...I put on the bigger ones that I haven't worn in weeks because it's been too hot here. They felt comfortable...but even weeks ago by the end of the day they were so stretched out I was pulling them up constantly. Today I decided that I would…
NSV...Did you cut your hair?
I have been cracking up the last few weeks. SO many people have been coming up to me and asking if I have gotten my hair cut. What they're not realizing is the difference is that it is that my face is thinning out :) Yay!
Good deal on a mountain bike?
I've been scouring craigslist for weeks and finally today someone posted a bike in my low price range! $50 for a Giant Butte 21 speed mountain bike. I googled and saw others for $100 or more. Does it sound like a good deal, it's 10 years old, but she said nothing is wrong with it. Thanks!
Baggy Man Pants..NSV
I am just over 100 days into this, down 17 pounds. My jeans have been loose for weeks and I can fit into some of my smaller pants and jeans now. Today I put on a pair of jeans that were loose a week ago when I wore them...today they feel like big baggy man pants. Here's to losing inches!!!!
Case of the Mondays...
Who else just does NOT want to go to work today? It's going to be sunny and mid 60's here today. Would be a great day to enjoy the day outside with my son instead of sending him to his preschool and me going to sit in my sucky office building with no operable windows. I'll be able to see the beautiful weather but that's…
Allegedly less sinful treats
I thought I'd share this...even though we shouldn't really have any of this stuff, if we're gonna have it, let's at least try to do it "right" :tongue: http://health.yahoo.net/experts/eatthis/8-best-supermarket-sweets
Headed to Applebee's for dinner. We usually get the 2 for $20 thing and I get the sirloin steak with the vegetables...but sharing the appetizer with my husband will probably put me over. I am thinking of just sharing the appetizer with my husband and then maybe sharing the steak with my son...it'll save us some…
Smoked Paprika Turkey Tenderloin w/ Edamame Succotash
Ok...so I adapted this recipe from Clean Eating Magazine. Theirs called for Pork Tenderloin, but I wasn't impressed with my store's selection, so I opted for Turkey Tenderloin. Theirs called for Lima Beans, I switched to Edamame b/c I had it already. Yummy, my husband loved it too! 1 Tbsp. olive oil, divided 3/4 tsp.…
Delicious Breakfast!
I got this recipe out of Clean Eating Magazine...they probably would have used a no sugar added fruit spread, but I went with what I had. Theirs was for 4 servings also, but I only made one...had to guess a bit on the peanuts, a single serving of peanuts is 39-40 and I only had about 15, so I said that I had 1/3 of a…
Recipes for filling lunches and dinners
Ok, so I have been saying I was going to share some recipes for a while. I have a crazy busy life that just finally slowed down now that my son's birthday party has happened :) Anyhow, here's a good start...heads up, did not enter the actual breakdown for all of the recipes when I originally typed them up. Some will have…
Quick easy read on what foods we should eat
Find the book "Food Rules" by Michael Pollan. It's short, it's easy and has been a huge help in changing my eating habits.
Big Sale on New Balance Running Shoes, etc.
There's a great website for buying shoes, etc...they're having a sale now through April 9th, up to 75% off of New Balance gear! www.6pm.com
I wasn't sure where to post this...I just wanted to "vent" about pants! So my biggest pants have gone to Goodwill...the big-ish pants can be pulled down without unbuttoning them, they are saggy all over. The next size down that I have still mostly feel too tight! Argh! What to do. I have no plans of having any of my…
Yummy Recipe! Beef Stew with Red Cabbage and Kale
I slightly adapted a recipe from www.5dollardinners.com, here is my version! And of course it cost me way over $5 to make it because the lady who runs that site is a crazy couponer and I will never attain that kind of money saving! 1.25 lbs. angus beef london broil 1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 2 tsp. minced garlic 2 cups…
week of NSV's!
So...I know we're not supposed to brag, but I've had a great week! First, on Monday a friend who I hadn't seen in a few weeks saw me and asked, "What are you doing? You look like a whole new person!" Then on Friday, my boss asked if I have been losing weight and asked again, "What are you doing?" I was proud to say I was…
Yummy Recipe
Successfully threw this together, totally unplanned meal of stuff we had on hand... 3 boneless pork chops (about 1.2 pounds), cut into 1" chunks 2 large sweet potatoes, cut into 1" chunks 1 large granny smith apple, cut into 1" chunks 1 tsp. minced garlic 1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 1/4 cup brown sugar 1 tsp. cinnamon…
Snap Fitness 24 Hour Gyms
Anyone a member at one? One just opened recently in my town. It's way cheaper than joining our local YMCA which is $101 per month here for a family, but I assume they may not have as many classes as the YMCA due to the much smaller facility size. The website for Snap Fitness doesn't seem to indicate what's really…
CNN article about the moments that make us gain weight!
Help! Night Snacker!
I need support from anyone one is a reformed night snacker! I grew up in a family who always snacked at night before bed. I have gotten better over the years, but some nights are harder than others. Tonight was a struggle for me, because I think my lunch and dinner were just not quite filling enough. My diary is open, take…
Making Home Made Bread
Does anyone have any input on making any kind of home made breads without having a bread machine...I know that my great grandmother probably didn't have a bread machine, but I was looking for recipes online for a Multigrain Muesli Bread (they actually serve a teeny piece of it in a Starbuck's breakfast option) and found…
safest lunch at Wendy's?
Going to lunch with a friend. Any thoughts? I never get the burgers, but the salads can be just as calorie and fat loaded as anything else?
I need help "naming" exercises!
I just did an awesome resistance band circuit that was featured in Oxygen Magazine's Fat Loss issue. What kind of workout is this considered when entering into the exercise diary? I feel sooooo dumb right now...just can't think of what to call it! :happy:
Help! SO hungry and it's too early for lunch!
I was out sick from work the past two days, plus the weekend so my body is on "eating at home" schedule which usually runs earlier than my "eating at work" schedule. Basically I try to hold off on eating lunch while I am at work until 12:30-1:00 because I don't get home until 6 and THEN I have to cook. So if I eat at say,…
Awesome site!
I have tried a few other sites with no success because they weren't that easy to navigate...If I already feel like I haven't had time to exercise, do I really have time to navigate a finicky site! NO! Thanks for existing myfitnesspal.com!