I would like to start making shakes. Any good tips or advice?
Okay ladies! Im late on my period. ive been spotting randomly but no stready flow. At first i figured it was just stress but now i dont know what it could be. i dont have insurance so thats the reason i havent seen a dr yet. could this be of a chance in diet & exercise?
What do you have for breakfast?
I've been reading blogs & watching YouTube videos about the hcg diet. Has anyone tried it? Does it really work? Is it safe? Or is it another fad?
Jumping jacks suck when you have big boobs. No wire bra & a sports bran
I need to know what's good to eat! Please let me know good foods & recipes!
How many calories should I have a day?
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Hello! My name is Tiffianny. I'm 24. I'm from a small town in Tennessee. I've always been the biggest girl in the group. I've been wanting to lose weight for awhile now. I'm always putting it off but today I've decided I want to change this. I'm ready to see what my body will look like when I start eating better &…