What is this machine called???
I am at college and have this machine in our amazing rec center and don't know what to put it under when I log exercise. Okay so I'm going to explain it a few ways..... Its most similar to an elliptical EXCEPT the feet are NOT on tracks...they are free floating DUE TO THAT one uses muscles to push up down AS WELL AS…
Women.... How much weight fluctuation do you find happens during your time of the month....I have gained 3 lbs but I'm hoping it is because of extra water weight!
Help losing last TEN POUNDS
Okay guys...I'm ready for some help...even some tough love! I have ten lbs left to loose and I want to get to it....NOW!!!! Please anyone who has been there, has food/exercise or any other tips...please throw anything out. I am 5'2 so these last ten lbs are going to make a huge difference. Other thing is I think buff is…
I'm stuck :( Help?
Okay, so I am not overweight, but I have some pounds I need to shed. I am little....5'1" and even 2 lbs looks like a lot. I would like to weigh 120 as I am currently weighing 136. Because I don't have very much weight to loose it's hard for me to tell if I'm losing weight. Some days I step on the scale and it says I am…
College Student
Hi everyone. I'm in college and my body is going through some changes and my lack of exercise is catching up. I'm using this as a way to become aware of what I eat and my activity level. The hardest part for me will be keeping motivated.... Im thinking this support will help. Thank you all