I'm stuck :( Help?

Okay, so I am not overweight, but I have some pounds I need to shed. I am little....5'1" and even 2 lbs looks like a lot. I would like to weigh 120 as I am currently weighing 136. Because I don't have very much weight to loose it's hard for me to tell if I'm losing weight. Some days I step on the scale and it says I am 134.3 and the very next day I am at 142!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can I tell if I'm losing weight? I am following the food tracking religiously and exercise about 2 hours a day, burning 500ish calories.

I would really love to hear what you all have to say....I thank you in advance <3


  • Leanne1795
    Leanne1795 Posts: 186
    Weight does fluctuate so the best way to tell is to weigh yourself once a week. Do this on the same day at the same time each week. Keep the scales in the same place, not on carpet and always use the same scales. Good luck.
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    I am in the same dilema!
    I'm 5ft2 and only needed to loose around 10lbs. I've now lost 4 in 5 weeks. it's been slow but steady. Best to stick to your calories, keep your sodium as low as possible and drink SO much water! It REALLY boosted my weight loss because at first I was only just drinking at most 7 glasses a day...now I have about 12-15 and the weight is coming off :) Also, strength training mixed with cardio is best. I find doing cardio and strength together is good too..like stepping cardio with weight lifts. It's good for core strength, which ultimatly helps weight loss :)

    Also - take measurements of your body and go off changes in the measurement rather than the scales - because yes, weight does change ALOT...particuarly in women (grr!)
  • chillijam1
    chillijam1 Posts: 62 Member
    hi are you eating enough calories if your doing 2 hours exercise a day ,you need to be no less than 1200 calories a day ,for one its not good for your body if below because you will never lose weight because your body doesnt know when its going to get its next meal so it goes in starvation mode so stores it for next time you eat plus only weigh yourself once a week at same time same day of week best in morning before getting dressed ,your not a bad weight wish i was that weight ,you just need to maintain it .hope this helps :smile:
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    I am thinking that maybe you are vastly under estimating your calories burned for two hours exercise a day. What are you doing exercise wise?
    I only ask as I have just got a heart rate monitor and I burned 500 cals in about 40 mins doing cardio. Please don't take offense to that I just think that 500 cals is on the low side for that amount of exercise?

    Also if you are underestimating your workout calories then you most certainly are not eating enough.

    Do you give yourself a rest day? Or even two? That's really important so your muscles have time to repair!

    Lastly drink lots of water!

    Good luck x
  • c3lxxx
    c3lxxx Posts: 25
    I am thinking that maybe you are vastly under estimating your calories burned for two hours exercise a day. What are you doing exercise wise?
    I only ask as I have just got a heart rate monitor and I burned 500 cals in about 40 mins doing cardio. Please don't take offense to that I just think that 500 cals is on the low side for that amount of exercise?

    Also if you are underestimating your workout calories then you most certainly are not eating enough.

    Do you give yourself a rest day? Or even two? That's really important so your muscles have time to repair!

    Lastly drink lots of water!

    Good luck x

    Great tips...thank you. I'm going by what the machine says I'm loosing....I know that is not that accurate but it's all I have to go by.....I'm not doing two hours of cardio, but about an hour and then weight lifting and strength training. I'm a girl that thinks buff is beautiful so I'm def filling up with a lot of protein for the muscle building and carbs for the energy. I think maybe I need to get an accurate calorie counter.....?

    Thank you for this advice. To everyone else that wrote thank you as well....I've got all of those suggestions covered ;) It's just hard to tell sometimes if Im not loosing weight or if Im just gaining muscle...I really can't tell. We are hoping there is some weight coming off! Like I said, I think being buff is beautiful so maybe since Im gaining muscle and it weighs more then fat, I should get a tape measure??? What do you all think
  • c3lxxx
    c3lxxx Posts: 25
    I missed your "ps" but I just read it and am going to do just that! :) Thank you!!!
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Oh I definatly think measuring yourself is a good idea!! I was at a standstill for three weeks and was getting so disheartened that the scales were not showing a loss after earning thousands of calories a week in exercise! I was slowly loosing inches tho which helped a little!

    Ah I see on the exercise front! 500 cals is probably about right then for an hour cardio, don't forget tho you do still burn cals while lifting weights! I do both as well and was quite suprised how much you can burn, your probably looking at another 200-300 depending on weight and intensity for an hour!

    Keep going Hun it's really difficult to get the right balance when weight training and working out, but you will get there.

    Oh I ment to say although you possibly are getting muscle tone from training you are building on the muscle you already have, it's very difficult for women to build new muscle (about 1lb a month if you really push hard!) and near on impossible for it to happen when dieting! But toning you probably are doing!!
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    If you can, go to the gym and do some strength training. It will build muscle and help you burn more calories throughout your day. Measure yourself with a measuring tape to see if your losing inches rather than numbers on the scale.