Hi guyz, I was hoping to maybe get a bit of info or even tips from anyone who is into their nutrition in a big way but also works off shore. I may be going offshore soon but worried how this will affect my training/nutrition. Obviously since I will not be cooking my own food I will not be able to accurately track my macros…
Ide appreciate if anyone could give me thier opinions on macros vs calories or any tips they have they think may be useful. Theres soo much conflicting info out there that Im finding it hard to figure out what to use! I am a 135pound female roughly 25%bf doing crossfit 4 times a week. I have set my macros to Carbs20%(90g)…
Hey, Would appreciate some feed back for this! Currently I wake up at 4:45am have a protein shake and almonds at 5am then hit the gym at 6am for an hour of weights and 20 mins HIIT. 7:30am I have another protein shake with dextrose as dont have time for a proper meal until 10am due to starting work at 8 am. Anyway my…
Hey I started using this a few weeks ago. Unfortunately anyone I know who wants to loose weight isn't taking it that seriously so not bothering about tracking their foods. So in other words im looking for support buddies!! Feel free to add. The more support we have the better! :smile: Im excited! This time I will do it!!