?? Big bones and BMI ??
I thought "big bones" was a fallacy. The doctor had me wrap my hand around my wrist and said i had a big bone structure. He also said my BMI would be higher bc of it. So.. the question here is.. what does "big bones" actually mean? Why will you weigh more bc of it (are they more dense, are they actually larger than…
from hiking to mountain climbing.. how did you train
I posted this in the main threads, but got impatient with no response.. then I found this group.. thought I would check in here... Im in the northwest, so I have plenty of hills and mountains at my disposal. I usually do the local stuff, but I got a wild idea to go up south sisters in Bend, Oregon this summer. This is a…
from hiking to mountain climbing... how do you train?
Im in the northwest, so I have plenty of hills and mountains at my disposal. I usually do the local stuff, but I got a wild idea to go up south sisters in Bend, Oregon this summer. This is a huge leap from the normal hills I climb. I have all Summer to train and have started with go up the hills I usually do, twice. The…
cardio bunny... dont judge me
I have seen a lot of hating for cardio lately.. Seems to me, the best workout is one you do. I go to the gym, do the elliptical or treadmill and it just.. frees my mind. If its not amazing for my physical health, at least it does wonders for my mental health. Thats just me anyways.. I wanted to give encouragement to people…
workout videos w/o a bunch of jumping around
Dont get me wrong. I jump around a lot. But I live in an upstairs apartment and just cant bring myself to jumping around. I just feel too bad. I get my cardio from lots of other activities. So something that tones would suffice. Can anyone recommend some at workout vids for such special circumstances?
advice about creepy guy at gym
So, there's this guy..... who creeps me out. He works at my gym (which is a pretty small gym.) He seems to be pretty chummy with the owners (who are all brothers.) He talks to mom about how he wants to date me. How he "respects" me. Seems like a nice guy. Just creepy. who talks to a girls mother about her? So, I have been…
Nike Fuelband... whats this.. a new toy..?
http://www.nike.com/fuelband/ Looks pretty B-A! Im a noob when it comes to heart rate monitors. Dont have one yet but depending on the price and reviews, Might just look into this.. what do you guys think?
attn: Runners and shin splint experts
By all means, I am a novice runner. I like doing it. Probably my favorite workout. I always get shin splints from it. I have good shoes. and I know how to treat the symptoms. Is there a way to condition myself into running though? Kind of ease into it to avoid shin splints? The past few months I have gone to the…
Can heels cause shin splints?
I have layed off running bc I had shin splints. They stopped hurting but they came back. Im wondering if its from wearing heels. Any suggestions for me? Besides not wearing heels. lol.
From gamer to body builder it all makes sense
Interesting read I found at http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/14/health/video-gamers-bodybuilders-fitocracy/index.html?hpt=he_c1 Why gamers are a great fit at the gym By Jacque Wilson, CNN updated 7:36 AM EST, Fri October 14, 2011 "For the first 26 years of my life, I had no idea what exercise was," Fitocracy user Michael Perry…
Things NOT to do at the gym...
Here is a list of things that make me say... REALLY?!?! tons on make-up.. why is this necessary? perfume.. to cover the smell of sweat? you're just making it hard for everyone to breath! sitting on the machines, watching your friend workout on a different one.. ugh! unnecessarily loud grunting!!! So... what behavior at the…
Being rad is my job...
... and business is good. I have been on the site for a while and dont have many friends. I feel like I should jump on the friend train. What could go wrong? will you be my friend?
Riddle me this.. tape measure vs scale
I am a believer of the tape measure. But I also listen to what the scale has to say. A lot of people say they don't lose weight but they lose inches. This was my story for a while. Now its the opposite. So I lose weight but sometimes add inches... What does that mean? I cant be losing muscle since I do strength training…
the case of the Mondays
It seems to be everywhere today.. Am I the only one experiencing this? So far, I dont think I have them.. Do you?
As the seasons change...
Good bye outdoor bike rides, beautiful hiking, walking by the river... Hello lots of gym time, maybe some cardio class (zumba, HIIT).. The changing of seasons will be beautiful and I will probably still do all the stuff I love (weather permitting, Im not a fan of rain.) What will you miss? what are you looking forward too?
NSV -running
People laugh when I tell them this. I understand, its completely and utterly ridiculous. I have this fear. Its been with me for as long as I can remember. Too much YouTube maybe? I am scared of running on the treadmill. We are talking near panic attack just when I think of it. I am not scared of walking on the treadmill or…
attention northwest dwellers
Welcome fall. Thank you for casting your dewy morning on us. I am feeling pretty TIRED today and i place blame on the weather. I walked outside this morning and the first thing I thought was, well, guess my bike riding is over. I hope I don't lose my summer motivation. So, how do you stay motivated when the sun doesn't…
White Castle booth size
Saw this on yahoo... whats your take on it? http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/trending-now/man-sues-white-castle-because-over-booth-size-160126946.html?nc Even though we live in a supersized world, bigger is not always better. One devoted White Castle customer is suing the restaurant chain because he can't fit into the…
those dang shows
Watched one on Netflix last night, it was called Heavy.. So, Im just wondering, what are they doing to lose 6+ pounds a week? I know its not healthy, I know you aren't supposed to dream of these results. But thats a lot of weight to lose so fast! I wonder how many calories they eat in ratio to what they burn in a day. Im…
Fitness assessment with a happy ending
I have waited a long time to hear that I am healthy and it happened yesterday. Healthy BMI that is. I had the assessment done at the gym that i go to. The trainer went over what I was doing and gave me my stats. I am 29.58% body fat. In the "acceptable" range. I am by far, not stopping now. I have been considering bumping…
Vitamins you take and why
I know there are threads already on this topic. But its difficult to fish through them all (as I have tried) and was thinking maybe there was some new light to be shed. I currently take: Vitamin B: complex +C: for converting food into energy (metabolism) Vitamin E: skin Vitamin D: (1000 ui) live in Oregon and the sun isnt…
Two NSVs in one day
Yesterday, I went to my first physical therapy appointment, Appearantly, I overworked my knee. The therapist gave me some pointers, some latex bands to take home and a few excercises. He also asked me if I wanted to set up another appointment. The NSV part?... I asked if I needed to come back and he said that I seemed…
unsuccess story
Need to vent a bit. My gym was giving out magazines yesterday. My friend and I were leaving and one of the employees asked if we got a free magazine. We said no, so he handed one to us. The girl on the cover was RIPPED! the employee pointed to the girl and said "in two months, you will look like this." I am not sure if…
Calorie intake vs 23 mile bike ride
I understand the math, you know, you need to burn more than you intake. My calorie goal per day is 1200. And I also understand that you can go into "starvation mode" if you dont eat enough calories. I work out about 4-5 times a week. I have gone on a 11.5 mile bike ride twice in one day (equaling 23 miles, burning about…