relationship stress
Ive been going through hell in my relationship lately. Its only going to get harder, I know. I've been through up's and downs experiencing everything from fear and depression to exhilaration and anxious anticipation. I was just wondering if anyone else is going through anything similar (break up, separation, divorce)? and…
work out play list?
What's on your workout play list? list a few of your favs. I HATE when I get going and i'm focused, working hard, in a zone...then the song changes and its something slow or has an off beat. I want to put together a play list of just really up beat music. My personal favs are just about anything fast by the band Cartel or…
running question
Everyone has been telling me to start easy and just jog. for example jog a minute walk 30 seconds then run for another 2 mins then walk a minute. but long distances are not working for me. I discovered today that I feel like i'm getting a better workout and building endurance if i sprint for 30 seconds then walk 30 seconds…
running & bad lungs.
So ive been running again lately and Ive noticed my lungs just BURN. really badly! ive had pneumonia several times growing up and I think my lungs might be scarred. It should not be this difficult to run, should it? Ive always had this feeling and I thought it was something everyone had but I was just being a baby about…
I need to eat!
So i've been having a really rocky week, emotionally and mentally. Ive continued to work out but I stopped eating all together. bad, i know. But when I have a lot on my mind and its really bad I'm not hungry and I cant think rationally. Feeling much better now. talked it over with some friends. Now I'm just trying to get…
sports bras
Why do sports bras cost a small fortune?! and does anyone know of any good ones/ where to get it? the ones i have are fine of the elliptical and walking but i started running again recently.
i hate my gut!
Eating well and working out (kickboxing, swimming, walking, and the ellipitica) have done great for general weight loss. Now how do I tighten my mid section? no, i do not do sit ups. there has got to be another way? I also want to work on toning my arms but all the big weight lifting contraptions at the gym are…
hungry girl 200 under 200 recipe book
http://www.target.com/Hungry-Under-Recipes-Calories-Paperback/dp/B002I1TF5U/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&searchView=grid5&frombrowse=0&node=1287991011&keywords=hungry girls 200 under 200&field_browse=1287991011&searchSize=30&id=Hungry Under Recipes Calories…
1300 cals & still hungry!
I'm on a plan where i can have 1300 cals a day, but I always feel really hungry by the time I reach my goal! not just kind of hungry because i have nothing else to do but the kind of hungry where i cant even concentrate on school or work or anything. I recently reevaluated my goals and moved from 1430 to 1200...but 1200…
I need motivation!
Ive been using the site for just about a month- it is amazing! i cant believe how helpful its been. ive already lost a good deal of weight. unfortunately its getting to the point where i'm losing motivation and hope. i need some friends on here, people who are on everyday and are looking for some motivation too :]