running & bad lungs.

So ive been running again lately and Ive noticed my lungs just BURN. really badly! ive had pneumonia several times growing up and I think my lungs might be scarred. It should not be this difficult to run, should it? Ive always had this feeling and I thought it was something everyone had but I was just being a baby about it. I had a friend tell me today that its not normal. why she couldnt tell me 5 years ago i'm not sure. haha anyway, my question is how do I remedy this? I thought it was something I needed to work through- just continue to run and one day it will get easier. but so far this is proving to be a bad theory. someone help?


  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member

    remember, your lungs are a muscle - the more you work them, the stronger they'll get - but it won't be comfortable. I'm kind of hitting some of the same sensations (albeit for very different reasons!!). Also, has it been very cold where you are? I've *personally* found that it hurts alot more in the cold - to the point of causing swollen glands, coughing fits that absolutely were not smoke related, and general discomfort. But then, I'm VERY cold sensitive. I doubt most people have such a major reaction but it wouldn't surprise me if, at least at first, it could add to discomfort and stress.

    Practice proper breathing too... I'm rotten at it and I'm nto a running so I can't offer any suggestions on what that looks like while running.. I just know there's a "right way" and "wrong way".

    I hope it gets better soon!!!
  • kas1021
    kas1021 Posts: 92
    i know ive had this problem with the "right" way to breathe before. my coaches used to nag me because i dont breathe enough and i tend to breathe from my stomach not from my chest. i'm weird. at my last dr appt the nurse had to count my respirations a few times then ask me why i wasnt breathing. my respirations were 8 in 1 min. its just natural for me to breathe very slowly and deeply. doesnt work well when youre running though so ive been really conscious of that and making sure i'm doing it "right". as for the weather no, its never cold here. and its never hot or dry either. i live in central ca. its stays in the 50-60's year round 24/7. and i'm on the coast so the air is perfect for running.
  • Catdemar
    Catdemar Posts: 69 Member
    I have had lung issues and if it does not feel right please get them checked out by a doctor. Cold can make them hurt a bit more but there could be s underlying issues could be iour scaring. Can't hurt to check it out. But I'm sure you are fine.
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    I'll start by saying that I am a board-certified pulmonologist.

    You may have reactive airways disease. It is often triggered by cold air and exercise. I doubt that it is due to scarring for pneumonia.

    And no, the lungs are NOT a muscle. Please do not seek medical advice on the internet, as you will get all sorts of erroneous information. You should discuss this with your primary care physician. If he/she feels it is indicated he/she may refer you to a pulmonologist for further evaluation.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Adding to what the doc said, running is a high-intensity exercise. If you are unfit, the sensations you are experiencing can be traced simply to the fact that the energy cost of running represents too big an increase than what you are capable of doing.

    Doing a high-intensity activity when you are not prepared to do so can provoke a lot of uncomfortable feelings and even more serious physical reactions, including the reactive airway disease mentioned earlier.

    If you aren't going for medical advice, at least try some activities that allow for a more gradual ramp-up in intensity--bike, cross trainer--and work on your basic conditioning.