

  • only you can say whats "too much" for you. If youre hurting the next day you could probably cut back a little. The problem I had was when i hit a plateau I stepped up my workouts and didnt lose anything! that is until I took a day or two off from the gym and I dropped 5 lbs this week. you have to give your body time to…
  • thank you :] its a work in progress. Im seeing now that other people are going to see who I am on the inside unless i act that way on the outside.
  • no one! i know that..but it doesnt make me care more. it makes me feel discouraged.
  • I think i'm going about this allllll wrong. I'm making a lot of horrible decisions that effect my entire lifestyle. I stay out all night. drink too much. and skip too many meals. I'm hypoglycemic. I really cant afford to mess around like I do. but i cant make myself care. so this is me trying harder. gosh, I really didnt…
  • Turn some of that sadness into anger and take a kickboxing class. That is really how I deal with a lot of things-I just take it out on the bag in class and I feel so much better. [/quote] I'm taking kickboxing :] best decision I ever made. i LOVE it.
  • its ok. youre doing this for you! not for what other people think (but yes, the compliments are awesome). ive lost 36 lbs since january and the other day my mom looked at me and said "you look tired...no, no..you just look bad". i have to laugh about it. haha screw what anyone thinks. i'm on my way to being healthy :] and…
  • this was my plan as well. I have a relative that did it, she loved it. you can email them from he website to get more info. I met with a rep in person and she answered all my questions. i'm still 2 years away from making any real decisions though. good luck!
  • youre not alone! ive been like this for a while! and now im hypoglycemic. my body used up all its stored glucose and i kept burning everything i ate. its not a good situation. its not common so dont worry :) i still havent gotten over the fear of over eating. and ive NEVER been one to over eat. I just used to make…
  • dont make excuses for his behavior. just get out while you can. he may not be angry at you now but if the behavior continues eventually he will be. you dont want to be in that situation. you deserve better. you shouldnt have to tolerate the one youre with. it shouldnt feel like a struggle to get along. these are all things…
  • me! i'm already almost halfway :D
  • mondays and wednesdays i go to cardio kickboxing and then i go to the gym right after and do 30 mins of cardio. every other day of the week i try to do an hour at the gym and run/walk at least 1-2 miles. the weekends are usually my free time to rest. but for school my internship is at a nursing facility and its tons of…
  • it really seems to me that stressing over how many cals burned is just too much. We all have so many other things going on. I just make sure I get off my *kitten* at least once a day for 30 mins and i keep a rough estimate for what I eat. trying to count every single calorie burned and eaten is more like a chore...and it…
  • a lot of you listed songs I know and would love to add to my mp3 player. i'm one of the only people on earth without an ipod. LOL i use a zune. i like it. i cant wait to update my music now :D
  • i do both. I take kickboxing at 8 in the morning. I eat a yogurt, half a banana and half an english muffin before i go. and when i come home i eat the other half of the banana and english muffin. its not a lot but I'm one of those people that never ate anything for breakfast so ive come a long way. haha
  • it really depends on your health. if your heart isnt in the best of shape the watch isnt going to be able to pick up the radial pulse as easily. or if you have irregular heart beats or a heart condition in general. the apical pulse is the most accurate. you can try taking your pulse in your chest then taking it on the…
  • OMGOSH this happens to me too! it drives me crazy!! haha
  • yeah. i'm in central cali, monterey bay. where are you?
  • I have to say I use music too. today started out pretty rotten for me but it was a gorgeous day, in the mid 70's on the coast. I drove around with the sunroof open and sang along with all the poppy songs on the radio. I like a good workout too when Im feeling stressed but i'm still getting over a small ankle spain so that…
  • haha yeah. i know how you feel! i feel like i'm always having to pee! lol
  • I have had blood problems for about 5 years now. B12 deficiency isnt usually something that can be cured with a few vitamins. I had dozens and dozens of injections. it can present as anemia because theres a type of anemia that comes from a lack of vitamin B. If you feel like something isnt right go to the dr. If you dont…
  • i let my 13 year old niece and her friend give me a make over last weekend and she handed me some skinny jeans and told me to change. i figured id give them a laugh and try to shimmy my booty into them and my jaw dropped when they went on...easily..with room to spare! i was so shocked. lol good feeling isnt it? when you…
  • this drove me crazy at first because i was only getting sugar from fruit and yogurt and still going over. eventually i just took sugar off my log and stopped tracking it. I know i dont over do it. so i dont even worry about it anymore.
  • i'm not sure i would count it. I would just say your lifestyle is more active. youre not sedentary. I wondered the same thing. I'm a CNA student and I am constantly carrying heavy things, lifting people, pushing wheel chairs and i'm not allowed to sit down at all during a 5 hour shift. so I just changed my lifestyle…
  • yup. cutting all ties is the only way to do it. youll feel relieved one day after you do it and youll wonder why you put up with the torment for as long as you did. stay strong & good luck.
    in Lonely Comment by kas1021 March 2010
  • i dont know. but mine is usually in the 120's when i do the elliptical. wish i knew what it meant. haha
  • i dont set weight loss goals. i set goals like i'm going to run at least 1 mile everyday for the next 7 days and then I come up with a reward like after the 7 days I'll treat myself to a pedicure and foot massage. or even easier goals like i'm going to cut out half the sodium from my dinners for the next 10 days. simple…
  • you look great!! good job!
  • every time i get something new i get rid of something old. its a good way to keep the closet organized. bag it all and take it to good will .save the receipt, its a tax write off. dont hold onto the old clothes. you lost the weight. good job!
  • i'm sorry youre going through such a difficult time! sometimes we all just have to try our best to fake it a little. try not to dwell on the negative, it will eventually consume you. you have to try to find a silver lining. yes, yes,i know. how cliche. but it is true. but youre on the right track! youve made up your mind…
  • i was a swimmer and i had one of these as my swim meet bag. i have had it for about 18 years and it still looks new and its been through hell. it has a section inside for wet things and it keeps it separate from dry clothes. plus tons of side pockets for other things. theres a little pocket I like to use specifically for…