Wii fit plus.. good calorie burn? what about hand weights?

Okay so I just got the new Wii fit plus and although I must say it is fun to workout with, but does it really burn calories. I don't have a heart rate monitor, and it tells me approx. the # of calories burned, but after doing it I don't feel the same after like I do after doing Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred. I feel like I have worked out after the shred. Although my muscles usually are a little sore the day after the Wii fit plus

So does it burn a lot of calories? I've been doing a bunch of the preset workouts and some of the aerobics and balance games. I usually spend 1 hr on it.

Also can I use hand weights on some of the strength moves and step classes to help me strengthen and burn more?



  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Okay so I just got the new Wii fit plus and although I must say it is fun to workout with, but does it really burn calories. I don't have a heart rate monitor, and it tells me approx. the # of calories burned, but after doing it I don't feel the same after like I do after doing Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred. I feel like I have worked out after the shred. Although my muscles usually are a little sore the day after the Wii fit plus

    So does it burn a lot of calories? I've been doing a bunch of the preset workouts and some of the aerobics and balance games. I usually spend 1 hr on it.

    Also can I use hand weights on some of the strength moves and step classes to help me strengthen and burn more?


    I would do some of the preset routines, setting the time for about 60 minutes. My HRM would read upwards of 600 calories usually. I felt sore when I was doing them right! It takes a bit of practice to achieve the correct form because there is no one to watch as an example. but it definitely burns calories for me!
  • kas1021
    kas1021 Posts: 92
    it really seems to me that stressing over how many cals burned is just too much. We all have so many other things going on. I just make sure I get off my *kitten* at least once a day for 30 mins and i keep a rough estimate for what I eat. trying to count every single calorie burned and eaten is more like a chore...and it seems like a good way to burn out. I'm making this a lifestyle change so I dont want to feel like a prisoner to the calories. My advice would be just do something. whether its the wii or walking- just step it up every now and then so it doesnt get too easy. Its just my opinion. it doesnt work for everyone but its worked for me. I hope you get the answers youre looking for!

    p.s I love my wii fit & wii active.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I think it works great I usually just do the wii fit run for 30 mins and additional 10 minutes and then do 45 min Jillian Michaels video and I burn 800 cals in 1:30 hours.
  • rschwa
    rschwa Posts: 27
    Well, it's better than sitting on the couch, but I ultimately found it to be way too limiting. Its flaws as a fitness tool are many, just beginning with the fact that setting up a 'My Routine', you can't up the number of reps. You can string several instances of the same exercise together, but then you have to doze through the milquetoast 'trainer's interminable intros and cautions over and over again.

    As a game, it's quite fun - I play it with my kids pretty often. Like I said, it's better than them growing roots in front of the computer or TV.

    I ended up doing a 30 minute routine of combinations of the yoga and strength exercises, then 30 minutes of the free step cranked all the way up speed-wise, with the balance board on top of a regular aerobic step, swinging weights wildly throughout. I plateaued pretty quickly with that, where I would sweat and breathe, but it just wasn't a challenge any more.

    Now I use the Wii fit plus channel immediately after I wake up to do the Body Test, chart my weight, and that's it (unless I play with my kids). For exercise, I do P90X.