Need some help/inspiration

RacheBell Posts: 111
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm having trouble setting mini goals. I have no clue what a good goal is for 2 weeks from now, a month from now, so on and so forth. How do you guys set your mini goals? I'm one of those people that wants everything NOW, and if I fail at all I get extremely disappointed in myself. I want to set goals for weight loss, and how much fruit/vegetable servings I'm getting, exercise, so on so forth. Maybe if you guys could give me some examples of goals ya'll have set/accomplished, it would really help me out.

Thanks :smile:


  • kas1021
    kas1021 Posts: 92
    i dont set weight loss goals. i set goals like i'm going to run at least 1 mile everyday for the next 7 days and then I come up with a reward like after the 7 days I'll treat myself to a pedicure and foot massage. or even easier goals like i'm going to cut out half the sodium from my dinners for the next 10 days. simple things. just go with something thats important to you. :) good luck!
  • CoachJ77
    CoachJ77 Posts: 80 Member
    My mini goals are things like calorie intake per day and amount of weight loss in a couple weeks. That is tough to say what your weight loss should be in a couple weeks because I dont know you body fat percent or eating habits etc. But in any case, goals like a pound a week or three lbs in two weeks is doable for the most part until you plateau or until your body fat percentage is really low. I would give something like that a shot if that is the type of goal you are leaning towards :)
  • Hi There! The first thing I would say is to have patience. I know it would be so much easier for things to happen now, but the reality is to lose weight, get healthy and be able able to maintain it will probably take some time. As for goals, all I have to go by is my own experience. I would set 10-20 pound goals when I still had a good bit to lose, but I would not put a definate time limit on when the weight needed to be gone. Lets face it you body does not care about a two week goal all it cares about it having enough fuel to function. Plus putting a specific time line of when and how much you need to lose could set you up for failure especially if you are easily disappointed. Set small goals and be happy when you hit them and don't worry if it takes a little longer than you thought it would. The main thing is you are making your body healthy!

    Good Luck to you, I hope this helps!:flowerforyou: I am on here just about everyday if you need any help!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Some days, I'm so busy with work, kids, etc., my only goal for the day is to drink all my water. Everyday, I try to drink 72 oz. (24 oz. water bottle 3 times). It's not much, but I figure it's better than nothing! That, and I strive for fresh fruits and/or vegetables at every meal/snack. Good luck!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I would pick a goal per week. Like no eating 2 hours before bed, eat 5 servings of fruit and veggies per day, Drink 8- 8oz of water a day, Log all you food in you dairy every day, 30 minutes of exercise a day or so many times a week, try a new food or recipe for the week. I do mini weight loss goals I do something that is reachable soon then later. 5 lbs a month of something like that.
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