I Need Low Carb Snack Ideas
So my wife and I have decided we are going to try to significantly lower our carb intake. Can you please share some low carb snack ideas? Thank you!!
Not new, but trying again
I just turned 42 last month and am in the worst shape of my life. Four years ago I was just over 250 lbs. By exercising and using Myfitnesspal to count calories I got down to 215, but I have since found all the weight I lost and more. I am 5'9" and weigh 278 lbs. My doctors have told me for quite a while that I need to…
Here we go again...
My wife and I started MFP last Feb. I lost close to 40 lbs in only a few months. We were eating right and exercising regularly. Then for some unknow reason we fell off the wagon; stopped exercising, started eating like crap again and I have been consuming way to many beers and other adult beverages. I have put back on…
Couch to 5k
Has anyone tried this program? I am running an "adventure race" called Run For Your Lives in just over 3 months. I have started running, but not progressing as well as I would have hoped. Thinking of trying "couch to 5k". What have I got to loose, right? Just want to know if anyone has had success with this program......…
I'm stuck and need help....
Ok, so I started out losing a lot of weight and losing it quickly. I knew this was going to slow down, but why did it stop? I am eating around 1500 calories a day and exercising regularly. I usually eat all or at least most of my excercise calories. I have not been really keeping up with my food journal on MFP as of late…
Water intake
Does drinking flavored seltzer water count toward my water intake?
does it count.
I think I already know tha answer to this question, but does drinking iced tea count toward my water intake?
loosing motivation
I have been on FFP since mid-Feb and have lost over 30lbs. I am VERY happy about this. However, I am starting to loose steam. I have not been logging my food like I used to (all weekend I just zeroed out my calories) Eventhough I haven't been eating too badly, I have not been tracking it the way I should. I also have not…
fighting a craving
I am seriously craving a Wendy's cheeseburger and fries!!! Any tips on how to ressist this temptation? I feel like NOTHING will satisfy me except this evil yumminess....
1/2 way to my goal, now I have an injury
I need some advice...... I have been doing very good and have dropped 25 lbs in 2 months. I am eating right and exercising regularly. Today I went tothe doctor about a pain in my heel. Turns out I have a heel spur and tenonitis in my heel. The doctor stuck me in an air cast boot for 4-6 weeks.....4-6 WEEKS?!?!?!:mad: Are…
I know how important it is to eat breakfast. My question is how soon after waking up should you eat? I mean, if you don't eat your first meal for 3 or more hours after waking, is it still considered breakfast?
heart rate monitor
Can anyone suggest a good raterate monitor thatr is not expensive?
Low calorie pasta...
I'm looking for help..... I am wanting to make pasta, but pasta is like 200 calories for 2 oz (dry). That little amount of pasta is so not worth it!!! Does any one know of a brand of pasta that is lower in calories?
Stupid question....
As I am reading posts. I have seen a lot of replies that simply say "bump". This may be a stupid qustion, but what does "bump" mean?