What motivated you?
What triggered your decision to start this weight loss journey? How did you overcome your lack of motivation? I know what I need to do but for some reason I still struggle with just getting out there and doing it!
I need help getting through
I need to lose at least 100 pounds, and I don't know where to start! I feel completely lost! I've even had friends offer to help but I just get angry and defensive. I'm becoming so depressed because all I can think about is how hard it is to lose weight! I know that I need to start eating better but for some reason I…
Is too much protein a bad thing? I've cut back on sugar and sodium and calories, only to go up on protein. But can it be harmful to have to much?
getting over it
I really want to lose weight! But Im so tired ALL the time. I mean like really really tired. So bad sometimes that it affects my work and social life. When I have to choose between waking up at 5:30 or waiting till 6 when the kids are up I really want that 30 min. How do you get over being tired all the time? Ive had many…
I'm a snacker!
I'm a snacker, and I love sweets! Does anyone have any suggestions for something that is inexpensive, sweet, and healthy? something to just grab and go? I work 6 days a week and have 2 children , so convenience is always the biggest seller for me. Also is you have any suggestions for lunches that don't need to be…
30 day shred
Hello! I was thinking of trying the 30 day shred. Was wondering if anyone had before and after pics from this alone. Or any advice?
losing my motivation
Why do I keep losing my motivation?! It's like I try so hard for several weeks and then I get tired and give up. I mean so tired that I'm just exhausted and don't know how to push through it. I'm so miserable being fat.. so shouldn't that be enough motivation?! ugh I just wanna push through it!!!!
workout tips
I have a pretty bad case of Achilles tendonitis, and the doctor recommended physical therapy. Since then I have lost my insurance so I cant continue my treatment. So right now I can only last a max of 20 minutes on the treadmill before it becomes too painful. So I workout on the stationary bike, but I feel like its not…
just some thoughts
I feel like so much of this journey is also about self discovery. I feel like I need to face things in my life that I never could before. To have a clear mind and devote all of myself to becoming healthy. But how do I let go of hurt that has affected my entire life? Where do I find the strength to just get over it and do…
good carbs vs bad carbs
I really just don't understand how to eat a "balanced diet" is it best to stay away from bread and potatoes and rice and only eat meat and veggies? I never reach my daily calorie goal. But I feel like I eat too much as it is. I don't always choose the right foods either. Like tonight I got off work at 8 so I just grabbed a…
is it possible to avoid loose skin?
I need to lose at least 100 lbs. But I am terrified of having loose skin! I used to weigh 170 and in the past five years Ive gone up to 270. I know need to lose weight but I'm almost more scared of how I will look if I actually do get the weight off. I feel like that fear is holding me back.
eat healthy on a budget
Hello everyone! I'm trying to lose weight but don't really know how to eat healthy. I've never been shown a healthy lifestyle so I'm used to quick easy processed foods. I have a VERY limited income and need to know how to eat better. How do I prepare breakfast and lunches on the go that will sustain me and be healthy? I'm…
need advice please!
I'm new to working out.. as in its been like 6 years since I've ran or lifted weights, or anything really.. I just started walking on the treadmill but I always seem to get light headed.. I also have tendonitis where my Achilles tendon is and I haven't figured out how to do cardio (or strength training for my legs) without…
need to lose 100 lbs
I need to lose 100 lbs to be healthy again... but I just can't get motivated!! Im a single mother with 2 kids, and trying to do this on my own is so difficult. I know that I desperately need to do something so I can be around to grow with my babies but I feel like emotionally I'm just not there.. I started working out for…
just starting out
In the past 5 years I have put on 100 lbs! I used to be thin, but now not so much. I never had to watch what I was eating so now that I do need to I don't really know how to. I tend to eat to hide my emotions.. I lost my childrens father, my daughter had surgery at 2 years old. my son was admitted to the hospital for…