Lkkiser3 Member


  • Oh and how did you deal with stress?
  • Thank you all for the suggestions.. I guess I just need a little more time to think it all through and conquer whatever it is holding me back.
  • Almonds and grapes
  • I chose ALMONDS and GRAPES for breakfast today! that for me is actually a big deal! I go to would always be muffins or poptarts or something that had no substance. I'm taking baby steps and it feels great. I have gone from drinking an average of 4 to 5 cans of soda a day to only one sprite with my dinner. I have stopped…
  • Worked another 13 hr shift today, which I do pretty often. I work in receiving which keeps me very active, and I also work in a bakery where I stay on my feet and walk at a quick pace for several hours, sometimes nonstop. and I just don't have the energy to work out when I get home. I feel like I eat much better then I…
  • 130 lbs! That's incredible!! keep it up!
  • I was at work as a cashier and needed to slide past this lady bc people were waiting at my register ( very small space, barely big enough for one person.) well I said excuse me 3 times and she just looked at me, so I went on to slide past her and as I did my bottom touched hers.. so she turned to me and said " damn you…
  • Thank you! I definitely need the motivation. Its hard when you have no one to talk to that can relate or care about it..
  • OK.. My name is Lauren, I'm 27 and live in Virginia. I have 2 kids ages 3 and 5. I was never over weight. I was actually below a healthy BMI, but then life happened. 2009 I had my daughter and I had gained 65 lbs during my pregnancy, I only managed to lose 30 of it. Then 2 years later I had my son and I only gained 35 lbs.…
  • Hey There!! I also have about 100 lbs to lose. I am also a mother to two children and I'm 26 years old! I could really use the inspiration! and support.. I don't really have anyone in my life that I can talk to that understands any of this!
  • My opinion is you can feed your kids just about anything.. as long as you TEACH them healthy habits.. My children eat sweet sugary stuff, but they still know that when we sit down for dinner we will eat our veggies. They understand that its ok to snack but just not too much. and honestly sometimes when you are always…
  • WOW! thanks! I just ordered to DVD!! starting as soon as it gets here!!
  • I think its more lifestyle and emotions then anything else.. As a kid I grew up alone My mother worked 2 jobs and went to college so from the time I was 10 on I was expected to prepare all my own meals.. So I NEVER ate right simply because I had no one show me.. and because I made those bad decisions so early on they…
  • I totally agree with what you have said. I am an emotional eater, and because I have soo much going on in my head emotionally I get sidetracked. I make excuses, and I don't completely devote myself to this lifestyle the way I want. I have 100lbs to lose. I think it would be very encouraging to celebrate every 10 lbs. When…
  • Thanks for all the feedback!! and yes I'm just physically and emotionally exhausted. Its even starting to affect me at work. I literally get so tired that I can't even function.. I've had to pull over while driving bc Im too tired to continue.. I had to leave work one day bc I was too tired and didn't feel confident enough…
  • Richmond Virginia :happy:
  • Went to subway for an oven roasted chicken sub. I ate about half of it.. then I looked down to take my next bite and there was a dead fly in my sub!!!! If I had bitten on even a ml more I would have been eating fly! It was so horrible and I was so grossed out I cried! Havent been able to eat a sub since!
  • I also have two kids, ages 2 and 4. I also am also heavier now then I was at 9 months pregnant with my son. I used to be skinny.. now not so much. I just started this journey and choosing to take it slow so I don't feel too overwhelmed with everything. Add me if you like! and good luck to you!
  • Thanks for all your inputs! I do appreciate it! Pretty much everything hurts my foot/ ankle. Its even affecting me at work. I do currently wear a night splint but have seen no improvements. And I have considered swimming but I can only work out the hours that the child watch is open and my schedule always seems to conflict…
  • You look amazing! For someone like me that has 100 lbs to lose, is it still best to focus mainly on weights? Or is it 50/50 until I lose most of my extra body fat?
  • I was a smoker ( pack a day) for 11 years. This November will mark 1 year since I've quit. BEST DECISION EVER. Its kind of like losing weight.. you'll make it happen when your ready. I woke up one morning and decided I didn't want to smoke anymore. So I just didn't. Took a lot of pacing through the house and lots of…
  • Wow I feel like I just wrote that! Literally everything you said (except for living at home) is me! I'm 26, 5'8 an 266 lbs. I also gave up on WW and many other diets. I'm now trying really hard to take this seriously take get my life back in control! Feel free to friend me if you like! Good luck!
  • yep pretty much every nurse I know smokes, and drinks every day! I totally get it that they are just people too.. but they see everyday the outcome of there bad habits.. that's why I don't get why they cant stop. I quit smoking 1 year ago. best decision ever.
  • Well its good to hear that it can be done! Its very tiring though. I really hope I make it!
  • I do have some very light stretch marks on my stomach but no where else. They really don't even bother me. so is that bad or good?
  • life is my motivation. my daughter and son lost there father to heart disease 2 years ago. he was only 30 years old. I don't want them to lose me also. I want to experience every bit of life with them.
  • thanks for the feedback everyone! it was helpful and encouraging :happy:
  • what is a neoprene belt and where do I find one?
  • I do get more lightheaded on the elliptical then on a treadmill. but I usually will just eat some grapes or banana and some water before working out.. I thought too much would make my stomach more upset.. as far as the tendonitis goes, I can walk for a max of 25 minutes before it becomes too painful