losing my motivation

Why do I keep losing my motivation?! It's like I try so hard for several weeks and then I get tired and give up. I mean so tired that I'm just exhausted and don't know how to push through it. I'm so miserable being fat.. so shouldn't that be enough motivation?! ugh I just wanna push through it!!!!


  • DawnOfRose
    Are you just physically exhausted, or bored with what you're eating, or craving things to the point of it wearing you down... combination of all three? Physical exhaustion could be that you're not eating enough, or that you've dropped your carbs really low and your body is adjusting to finding it's fuel from something else (hopefully fat)
    If you're not eating enough, duh, eat more :-) If you dropped your carbs stick with it! I did that with both Paleo and then Keto and it is worth the headache and the sleepy feeling once you get to the other side!

    If your diet isn't working for you though there are tons and tons of different diet options, keep trying them til you find one that works for you. I've lost 40lbs that way, and my mom lost at least 100lbs just adjusting her diet or scrapping it all together in favor of a new one if it wasn't working out. Now she's found an eating plan that works for her... I'm currently trying out Keto, which my husband is on and he's doing great.

    Just keep trying, I'm 27 with a 2 year old, I know it sucks, I know it's awful to be worn out when you've got kids and a life you're trying to live, but you can do this.

    Edit: As soon as I posted that I read another thread from someone else having a rough time and another user, Loasaur, said just the perfect thing, so I'm stealing it:
    "It takes a lot of failure to reach success and you only get there if you don't give up!"
  • somethingnewjc
    my first thoughts are that if you are getting worn out from your efforts you are probably pushing too hard... cutting too many calories, working out longer or harder than you can sustain on a regular basis--i would suggest finding what feels like an improvement over your unhealthy habits, but doesn't feel like a huge strain to do either... doing this will start to feel so easy that you will want to take on more and just take on a little at a time... try to never feel like you are maxed out in your efforts and it is a lot more likely you will be able to sustain those efforts for as long as you need to to reach your goals and hopefully beyond as by then it should be second nature to have the healthier habits... if you are looking for support feel free to add me, and good luck--you are reaching out which is a great step towards getting back on track--you can do it!!
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Yes, being miserable should be enough motivation for you to push through this. The first few weeks are the hardest and if you can make it a solid month, you'll be golden! One month of solid tracking, staying within your calorie goals and exercising will really get you going. I would suggest thinking about why you want to lose weight and what you'll gain from being healthy. Maybe set some mini goals and rewards at 10, 25, 40 pounds to keep you motivated. (I'm getting a pedicure at 20 pounds lost!) You can do it, it just takes time.
  • Lkkiser3
    Lkkiser3 Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback!! and yes I'm just physically and emotionally exhausted. Its even starting to affect me at work. I literally get so tired that I can't even function.. I've had to pull over while driving bc Im too tired to continue.. I had to leave work one day bc I was too tired and didn't feel confident enough running the register.. Im just tired.. Ive tried energy vitamins and resting more but It's just not enough..
  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    Without seeing your log it's hard to be helpful. I think there's no reason for you to be physically affected by dieting, it should be possible to lose at a steady pace and barely notice if you set your loss slow enough. If you want to lose 2lb/week, that's another matter, you might need to ensure what you are eating is good enough to keep you going.

  • wendyg311
    wendyg311 Posts: 239 Member
    Just an idea....perhaps you are low on iron. I used to fall asleep driving and that's what it turned out to be. You should ask your Dr. It's as simple as a pin prick to your finger.
  • bbuffy2000
    bbuffy2000 Posts: 5 Member
    I am new here and in need of motivation as well. Can I add you too?
  • bbuffy2000
    bbuffy2000 Posts: 5 Member
    Can I add you? Maybe we can help each other get through this.
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    Your Beautiful don't give up!!!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Maybe you're trying too hard? I know that when I finally got serious about losing the weight, I told myself that I would just walk every single day for 15 minutes, minimum. I knew that I could easily do that and that perhaps I wouldn't get burnt out on workouts. It worked. I ended up walking 40 minutes most days. I stuck to my calorie goals to lose 2lbs per week and ended up walking about 2 miles per day average and on a few days, I even got in 12 or so while hiking! I lost 40lbs in 4 months doing that. Also, my energy levels increased so much that I felt kind of hyper! I attribute that to healthier eating. Later, I even started jogging, something I hadn't done since running through the woods as a child. I wont ever forget running that first mile. :)
    Also, maybe you should see a Dr. if you're getting so tired that you fall asleep driving! You could have a thyroid issue, sleep apnea, anemia, or something else. Not eating enough will make you really tired, really fast too. If you use MFP, try eating all of most of your exercise calories to keep your energy up. You will still lose weight!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I agree that something is wrong if you are so exhausted. I felt better almost immediately when I replaced Doritos with melted cheese with steamed veggies and lean meat. And as soon as I had lost even 5 pounds, I just felt lighter and more energetic. You are either depriving yourself nutritionally and emotionally or working out too hard. A lifestyle change is supposed to make your life better not worse. Open your diary.
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    I COMPLETELY understand you! Yesterday, while at the gym I cried on the machine because prior to me working out I stepped on the stupid scale. Im not giving up and don't you do it either! Happy losing :flowerforyou:
  • crash_aly
    crash_aly Posts: 112
    I'm going through the same thing!

    Last week I felt great! I had more energry than normal, wasn't hitting the snooze button and was full of motivation. And it was even that "time of the month"! Now this week, I'm exhausted!! I've been sleeping about 8 hours every night (I rarely sleep through the entire night but that comes and goes for me). Last week my boyfriend was out of town and I barely slept but still felt great. Now that he's back and I'm sleeping better I feel worse...? And yesterday I was so hungry, abnormally hungry!

    I really hope I can get back to the way things were last week!