workout tips

I have a pretty bad case of Achilles tendonitis, and the doctor recommended physical therapy. Since then I have lost my insurance so I cant continue my treatment. So right now I can only last a max of 20 minutes on the treadmill before it becomes too painful. So I workout on the stationary bike, but I feel like its not really doing anything.. so does anyone have any workout tips to help me through this? Its really discouraging me to work out..


  • AdrianBry
    AdrianBry Posts: 138 Member
    would an eliptical or an arm bike be an option? if so i got 2 workouts on youtube that'll be really helpful
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    Download the Leslie Sansome walk from the Befit channel on youtube As you built stamina and grow stronger, you can walk longer and do more advanced videos from the same channel. You can dance, do pilates, there are many videos on youtube. There is also fitness blender videos For cooking, check website for recipes, and meal plan for more ideas
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    What incline do you set the treadmill to? You can reduce strain on the Achilles by walking at a *decline* (if it has that option), or level. Don't use any incline.

    As far as treating the Achilles, check Youtube for "eccentric calf exercise". They have been proven in studies to help with many cases.
    It's good to wear a night splint too, to improve calf flexibility. They're about $30.. or check Craigslist or thrift stores for a used one.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    The stationary bike will work too. My thighs and glutes have improved just by doing spinning, and 1/4 of the class I just bike in my own rhythm and speed. You just need to stick with it but without overdoing it excessively so you'll injure another part. Try the walking videos every day and increase the distance you walk as you built stamina. Do the bike a different time during the day. Do not see it as an exercise but as a change in the way of life. Park your car 2 blocks further than usual and walk. If you take the subway, get out a stop earlier if you have the time and walk to your destination. Improve your eating habits so you will teach your kids to eat better.
  • chantelrenae
    chantelrenae Posts: 8 Member
    Is swimming an option since it is minimal impact?
  • Lkkiser3
    Lkkiser3 Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks for all your inputs! I do appreciate it!

    Pretty much everything hurts my foot/ ankle. Its even affecting me at work. I do currently wear a night splint but have seen no improvements. And I have considered swimming but I can only work out the hours that the child watch is open and my schedule always seems to conflict with the pool schedule :-(
  • AdrianBry
    AdrianBry Posts: 138 Member
    in that case you really need to try this arm bike wokrout:
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    You should rest then for a few weeks/month until it heels and not make it worse. Listen to your body, especially since you are on your feet at work. You can do pilates exercises that require to just lay on the floor, instead of those that are to stand up. Do hands exercises. If you just reduce your food intake and improve your diet, it will make a big caloric dent since you are active in your work. Spend the time in the forum to get ideas to improve your food habits and let your foot rest instead. I would suggest that you calculate your TDEE-20% for active work lifestyle, put that as your calorie daily goal in mfp and stick to that while you heal. You can be more aggressive and even make it -30% for the first couple of months since you are in the 270 range. When the weight loss from diet starts to slow down, then you can up the calories to make it TDEE-20%.