Runners : MAF training and Fat Burning
Hi folks, I've been using the MAF method, which suggests that your train to a Heart Rate based upon the formula 180-YourAge as the MAXIMUM (N.B these is a modification to this HR based upon your Health and fitness level - see his site for specific details). It's TOUGH to run that slowly at first (mostly walking) because,…
A VERY good read ... take your time, grab a coffee and some biscuits ... and READ
"In 1972, a British scientist sounded the alarm that sugar – and not fat – was the greatest danger to our health. But his findings were ridiculed and his reputation ruined. How did the world’s top nutrition scientists get it so wrong for so long?........" READ ME
A good read : The truth about fat .. from RunNow
I can't even start to think about dieting ...
.... I've got way too much on my plate at the moment. :-p
Grounded (again) by injury
Bugger! - I'm training for a 1/2 in October.. about to go on holiday to Spain and am side-lined by a calf injury (I've seen a sport physio and he applied healing hands (massage) and gave me some exercises - but said that time is the healer)... Age has it's price :-(these things just seem to take so long to repair these…
No excuses!!
Barbie turns 50 ...
O.M.G Crossfit lifting!!
Water retention ????
A great video .... An Advantaged Metabolic State
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqwvcrA7oe8#t=190 Peter Attia is a relentless self-experimenter, obsessed with the idea of a "quantified self." In the presentation he will share two components of his physical transformation as he evolved from "fit but fat and metabolically deranged" to "fit, lean, and metabolically dialed…
Plant Based Protein
Enjoy ..... https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10476257_748730838523555_4273160822066837636_n.png?oh=f9f5745ec7510b4f3a2797546462d2d3&oe=5436E4AE
Who eats just egg whites and why do you do that?
They taste of nowt ........ the yummy, good for you, tasty bit is the yoke.
I have no idea what a a Twinkie is ....
..... I think that I can count my blessings for that :happy:
WTF is 'Broiling'?
Is that the same as 'Grilling'?. I see a lot of foreign recipes calling to 'Broil' something ... seems it should be shoved under the grill, right? :-p
How do they sell food stuffs to us?
Look after the body you live in....
It's not yours, it's just a loaner... and you don't have full comp insurance!!
Am I gonna die.....
I just ate a couple of un-opened pistachios.... does it work the same as unopened Mussels? #worriednow :-p
Move more and Eat less .....
.... because over thinking does not burn off body fat :-p
Everything is an Estimate ......
Pretty much everything on here is an Estimate .... Calories Consumed (Even if you weigh everything that you log) =Estimated.... Basal Metabolic Rate = Estimated, Calories Burnt .. Estimated Unless you do EVERYTHING under fully controlled Lab' conditions...everything that you log is prone to error (I'm not even going to…
Fast/Slow Metabolic Rate
Please read science based research an not the awful lot of pseudo-science articles on the web. http://www.nhs.uk/livewell/loseweight/pages/how-can-i-speed-up-my-metabolism.aspx
Fish, Chips and Mushy peas in one easy package ..
Result :tongue: :tongue: http://metro.co.uk/2014/04/15/its-not-just-any-fish-and-chip-pie-its-a-marks-spencer-fish-and-chip-pie-4699734/
Who still believes the Glucosamine myth??
I'd read a lot about this and so stopped wasting my money a couple of years ago.
DIY Almond Milk - scrummy
Is Coconut Oil a 'Superfood':- magic bullet alert :-p
O.K, .. spidy-senses going off at any use of the word "Superfood" .. but then I read the article and get a full blown pseudo-science Klaxon in my ear when I read.. Say what? ... It CAN Sport reduce .. which seems to be widely believed as not possible....um ..…
Understanding Bodyweight and Glycogen Depletion (article)
Hi all - just found this interesting article....... http://justinowings.com/understanding-bodyweight-and-glycogen-de/
Folks on a Plateau......
Here's the best bit of advice that I have ever received ..... CHANGE SOMETHING. O.K smarty pants - Change What? : The food you eat and/or the exercise that you do. You are either eating more than you think that you are OR you are not burning as much as you think you are. So by sticking to what you are currently doing…
20 Perls of running wisdom
1.The best runners are patient 2.There are no shortcuts 3.Going further is easier than going faster 4.To go further, slow down 5.To go faster, carry less weight and try harder 6.People get nicer the further you run 7.To achieve a goal, follow the programme 8.That runner over there has the same worries as you and thinks you…
Big shout out to our mates running in Boston
Go Rich and V...... It's nearly over. 8-)
Which exercise calorie calculator web site....
.... gives the highest burn figures ? :tongue: Cuz I need higher numbers so that I can blame anything else other than me for not losing weight [/sarcasm] <-- just in case!!